I'm sitting here naked

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
And my hubby's cute friend is on his way over. Damnit, that means it's time to unwrap the nice cozy blanket, and get dressed. Grr.
Starblayde said:
or not... perhaps? ;)

He suggested to hubby that maybe they not tell me about him coming over, and maybe keep the door unlocked. However naked I may be, I am still huddling under a blanket.

Guess we'll see what I do when he gets here, huh?
Blindinthedark said:
I agree. Why bother. I'm sure the friend won't mind.

I know for a fact that he wouldn't mind in the least. He has his eyes set to a 3some involving me and his wife (my best friend)
Gilly Bean said:
I know for a fact that he wouldn't mind in the least. He has his eyes set to a 3some involving me and his wife (my best friend)

Stop teasing us!

Ok, well, then, let's just say I am not the one opposed to the 3some. ;)

And likely, I will do what I do every time. Wrap the blanket around me, and go into the bedroom, and come out clothed. ;)
So the thrill is gone, if you all know what's under the towel, huh?

Oh, I guess not.

Gilly Bean said:

Ok, well, then, let's just say I am not the one opposed to the 3some. ;)

sorry, I'm pretty horny and probably shouldn't be reading this.
-grins- There is thrill knowing that under something, someone is naked, and the mere lil slip might reward someone...
Damn, I wish someone got a charge out of me being naked under my clothes....

Gilly Bean said:
-grins- There is thrill knowing that under something, someone is naked, and the mere lil slip might reward someone...
*Puts fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA
I will not get horny. I will not get horny ...
Blindinthedark said:
*Puts fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA
I will not get horny. I will not get horny ...

Not get horny?

Why the hell not? What fun is there in NOT getting horny?
Gilly Bean said:
Not get horny?

Why the hell not? What fun is there in NOT getting horny?
Damn now I have to wipe up my keyboard :devil:

and it's all your fault LOL

But honestly answer to your question:
If hubby isn't against it, and you're not uncomfortable with it ... be naked. And if he "pitches a tent" in his pants, you'll know it's all you.
-giggles- There is that option.

Well, he should be here fairly soon, so, we'll see. :p
Gilly Bean said:
-giggles- There is that option.

Well, he should be here fairly soon, so, we'll see. :p
Well if anything naughty happens everyone here will need a full run down and perferably pic. Better yet video!

Have fun :devil:

Edited to add:
You wouldn't have asked if you weren't thinking about it already :p
well, the moment fo truth arrived, and here I still sit...

wearing just a blanket.
-smirks- ;)

That post brought a smile to my face... well, more like a smirk.

They guys are just kinda looking at me like I'm nuts.