I'm forbidden by State Law from being Snowed In!


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
So here I sit after waking up extra early and making my way through the driving snow into work. Many folks making far more money a year than I don't have to come in. They can sit in their warm homes and drink hot chocolate and watch the TV all day.

Did I mention driving earlier? Most of it wasn't in exactly a straight line, if you get my drift.

Oh and drifts? Lots of them mostly on the roadsides waiting to swallow up my car.

Really, though, it's not all bad. There's about 6" on the ground here right now and it's still coming down. Maybe we'll end up with 10" or so but they say it may well sleet here toward the end of the storm which will drive down the accumulation totals.

Of course, that will also cover this snow with a nice little crust of ice, too, so that's a bonus.
Bah humbag, here in the southern part of the state we got nothing, zilch, nadda, save for a bunch of mud. Man I hate this white carpet.

PS: You're from TN., right? If not, my mistake and forget my post.
DarkAngel said:
You are all whining about 6 inches of snow..


Whining about snow?

Nah. I'm whining about not being able to take advantage of the snow to lounge about all day. ;)

bbw - I'm in MD.
I'd just as soon trade you some of that snow if we could get it to warm up a bit here. We've been having January weather.

Tell you what, I'll trade you 10 degrees for half your snow.

Now, is that a deal or what?
I feel for ya Jim. You're a brave man. But isn't it fun driving sideways? LoL

We got about five inches and my boss let us stay home. I :heart: both my boss and the snow... for one day only!
I envy you all. I love snow! most of the time. We got about a half inch and then it rained. It's all gone now. Just wet.

Wiggly - Well it wasn't exactly sideways, but it was kind of off-kilter. I spent some time driving with my head cocked to one side or the other. But I wasn't the only one. It was a nice little slippy-slidey conga lone going down the road.

Gaucho - Deal! It's about 30 degrees here today so it's a fair trade.

vffan - You know I thought you were in a place (from another thread) where you would have gotten belted by this storm.
My daughter just went outside and measured. . .we're at 3 1/2" already. Luckily she's with me. . .it gave me a good excuse to stay home today!

Be careful on the way home, Jimmy! :kiss:
Its going on two inches now, and it only started an hour ago and not suppose to stop for a looooong time. Its been too long since we've had a foot of snow here. I wonder if I'll remember why I hate and love it at the same time?
cutie pie said:
My daughter just went outside and measured. . .we're at 3 1/2" already. Luckily she's with me. . .it gave me a good excuse to stay home today!

Only 3 1/2"?

Just wait til it gets to 7 or 8". You'll have a lot more fun then. :D
Jim-there are some areas where I'm at that did get belted, but we were not as lucky. yucky rain and cold.

lucky bastards need snow badly going thru withdrawl trails opened here with nothing but grave on them.:mad: :mad: :mad:
We got it over the weekend.

I don't feel sorry for you a bit.

Oh, and drive carefully, everybody. Not only just for the ethos of not getting into a wreck, but also because we up here like to laugh at the videos of people who don't usually get so much snow trying to drive in it.

I'm sorry you have to go to work today Jim.

Please drive safely.

*is reminded of an old joke, snowstorms are like sex, ya never know how much you're gonna get or how long it will last*

Well, if you HAVE to drive anyway...

You can always skip out big guy, drive a few miles more... I'll warm you up! Then the snow will just melt all around you on the way home :devil:

Mt only problem with the snow, is the bozo who came to plow our parking area and garage and as usual boxed everyone's car in by just plowing the thourough-fare, leaving a pile of snow behind everyone's car. Who ever though they'ed need a shovel to dig themselves out living in a high-rise condo???:rolleyes:
It's a little overcast here, but otherwise about 75+ degrees. Of course I'm in South Florida. Never actually been in any quantity of snow... I've only seen it fall just enough to stick, that was in Houston about 19 years ago.
We ended up with over 4 inches which isn't the problem. Its all the ice that came after.

Its now alternating between snowing and icy rain. :(

Some trees have fallen over from the weight on the branches.

btw you be careful driving home!! I refuse to drive in this stuff, I'm a big chicken. :eek:
I'm home, safe, warm, and sound. :)

In all we got about 8 inches, though the ending scattering of sleet knocked down the accumulation a bit and put a nice crust of ice on top of the snow.
anyone notice how the men are complaining about there being too much snow and the women saying it was only x # of inches?

this might cheer you up. new york tries to reduce the number of snow days as much as possible...if they don't, kids don't eat,

it could always be worse.
i would be far more sympathetic to your plight if you didnt have a picture of your ugly face as your avatar.
Hey Jim,

Poor you...I played hookey from work today....i just couldn't face driving an hour in to work in 8 inches.......i love being snowed in.... :)

I wouldn't usually complain about 8 inches ......hee hee...