If you ruled the prison system


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
What changes would you make? Try to keep the glib to a minimum I'd really like to know.
Did you see "Escape From New York?"

I think that's an excellent place for the hard core criminal (rapists, murderers, Martha Stewart).

I'm not being glib either.

Who actually uses that word anymore?


Silly bird.
I don't think that I would make all that many changes to the system overall. For one thing, there is no "prison system"; each state has its own, and then there is the federal system.

If I could however change who was put into prison, and who was in there now - by changing some laws (repealing some, introducing others), I would have probably about half the people who are in prison released. I am speaking of people who are in prison on non-violent drug posession charges. I would decriminalize/legalize illicit drugs, setup a commission to create criteria for review and pardon of non-violent drug offenders whose only criminal history has basically been possession. Much of violent and property crime related to drugs is because drugs are expensive - which is why criminals are involved in drug trafficking; because drug crime pays. Make drugs inexpensive by legalizing them and drug related crime and violence will drop; why kill someone over drugs if there is no profit in it, or if you have enough money to buy all the drugs you need? The reason rich drug users don't typically get involved in drug violence is because they can afford the drugs.

I would then get tough on violent and repeat offenders, decreasing parole and increasing sentences. Most of the crime is committed by a small percentage of criminals, usually repeat offenders, and it is these people who should be in prison for a long time.

I would also put a lot of emphasis on serving warrants on hard core criminals who are fugitives. Sounds obvious, but believe it or not, our law enforcement efforts don't really target these people - we spend a lot of time just handling the superficialities of crime - if we really went after those hard core criminals that we know commit most of the crime (about 80-90% of crime is committed by about 10-20% of the criminals), the people we already have warrants for and have strong cases against, then crime would be greatly reduced.

The above aren't changes to the prison system, but are changes to our criminal system.
Heretic state run prisons still have Federal regulations. I believe it is a system but you're nit picking.

Also you are talking about the legal and justice system. I'm talking about the prisons themselves.

Such as: I think there should be a way to make prisoners work for society, the trick being to do it without taking jobs from citizens.

I also think there should be more education for first time offenders that are able to be rehabilitated. I believe giving them a workable skill would seriously cut down on repeat offenses of theft crimes.
I don't think you guys understand what our prison systems are about: profit and politics.

All discussions about the prison system begin and end there.
There's an experimental prison in California that I heard about a couple of years ago. It reported a high success rate among ex-prisoners transitioning into acceptable society members. I wish I could remember the name then I'd look it up.

The first thing I'd do, though, is legalize drugs and guns. The prison population would be pretty much instantly reduced by half or better.
To start with, busybody would get to share a cell with a brother from the Nation of Islam.
Marxist said:
I don't think you guys understand what our prison systems are about: profit and politics.

All discussions about the prison system begin and end there.

You're not going to expand on that are you? A Marxist hit and run.

PC, you forgot to add a "brother from the nation of Islma hung like a donkey and horny as a goat".
No cable TV, no internet. Library priveleges, maybe.

I would make mandatory minimums only for premeditated crimes.

If a released con commits another crime, I would make the punishment at least double the standard minimum. For example, if a convicted rapist gets a nickel, gets out and does it again, it's ten years minimum.

Finally, I would make capital punishment available less often: first-degree murder with aggravating circumstances only. You need at least two eyewitnesses (scientific/DNA evidence or video surveillance can count, but accomplice testimony in exchange for plea bargaining would NOT) or it's right out.

Then I'd make it faster. Execution one year to the day from sentencing.

And I'd reinstate the guillotine.

I'd put a big fence around Florida and put all prisoners there.

Then, as they killed senior citizens, I'd doctor the paperwork and still collect their Social Security checks.

Then I would rape puppies.
teddybear4play said:
Then I'd make it faster. Execution one year to the day from sentencing.

And I'd reinstate the guillotine.


Don't you think that would lead to more wrongful excecutions?

That's another vote for public execution. Why? Why would you want to watch someone die?
sunstruck said:
That's another vote for public execution. Why? Why would you want to watch someone die?
for the same reasons we watch reality shows, the debase nature of our beings reveling in anothers dismay.

oh and mousie, ROFLMAO!!
Since this is all a pipe dream:

The prisoners should support their system. There should be some work that they can do, just like the rest of us, that supports them. No free rides. They should pay for all they get. I think that would go a long way towards rehab, too. The jobs should be diverse enough that, when they get out, they have a job to go to and they have to keep. If the only way they can be productive is inside, then they stay inside.

They should all be required to pay restitution before they get out, not with money they have, but through money they earn while in prison.

Now, to be really controversial, I think they should be automatically sterilized, keep the gene pool cleaner.
ksmybuttons said:

Now, to be really controversial, I think they should be automatically sterilized, keep the gene pool cleaner.

Wow. No holds barred with you huh?

If KM or anyone else can think of that California prison system that is so revolutionary I'd love to see a story on it.

I've always focused my polical affiliations mainly on the politicians views on eduacation and health care, and they are still my top two. But I think I'll be looking into prison reform a lot more this time around.
Hmmmm tough question.... you see....

If I ever ruled the prison system?????

I'd be ruling it from....

ksmybuttons said:
Now, to be really controversial, I think they should be automatically sterilized, keep the gene pool cleaner.

Can we assume you are joking?
Take worthless dome stadiums and fill them with hospital beds and take all the rapists,murders,child molesters and fill those beds with thm and use them as organ donors.We would all get the eyes,hearts lungs , etc. that we need and when they run out of useful organs we can give what's left to community funded zoo's to feed the carnivores.When you turn 13 we read them a list of shit they can't do ,they sign it,and if we see them again it's off to the dome stadium to repay your debt to society and support the animals.
loveyamon said:
Take worthless dome stadiums and fill them with hospital beds and take all the rapists,murders,child molesters and fill those beds with thm and use them as organ donors.We would all get the eyes,hearts lungs , etc. that we need and when they run out of useful organs we can give what's left to community funded zoo's to feed the carnivores.When you turn 13 we read them a list of shit they can't do ,they sign it,and if we see them again it's off to the dome stadium to repay your debt to society and support the animals.

Hey moron, some communities would put you in that dome stadium for being at a site such as this.
One idea:

Emphasize education. One mandatory class at all times.

Some classes in the classic liberal arts mold. History, Literature, etc. Nothing too crazy but expose these men to more of the world.

Some classses that teach life skills. Be it basic construction, carpentry, etc. use these skills to put them to work in a type of apprenticeship program. they learn and pay for it with work.

Of course basic reading and writing classes are offered to those who need them.

Basic education for men who often do not have it. An educated populace is always better. Yup it would cost money, but not much. And the percentage of repeat offenders would drop, I assure you.