If YOU has a 3D printer what would YOU print?


Gods rep on Earth.
Nov 10, 2003
YES! if YOU had a 3D printer what would YOU print and why?

Maplin to sell first 3D printer for use in the home

an american with a home made gun he printed earlier​

from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/10167019/Maplin-to-sell-first-3D-printer-for-use-in-the-home.html

what would YOU print?
Are we assuming the thing is as versatile as a Star Trek matter-replicator?
A guitar body. Maybe a neck if the epoxy and shit could hold up to the tension
Nothing until they invent one that can print silicone. Then I'd print female bodies to fuck.
Jim Morrison (Doors) said it all:

Build me a woman,
Make her ten feet tall.
You got to build me a woman,
Make her ten feet tall.
Don't make her ugly,
Don't make her small.
Build me a woman,
Make her ten feet tall.
You got to build me a woman,
Make her ten feet tall.
Don't make her ugly,
Don't make her small.
Build me someone I can ball
All night long.