If you could sit down with your child(ren).....


Tip generously
Be a good neighbor
Cops will give you 9 to 10 miles per hour over the limit
Smile and say hello (in general)
Earn more than you spend and pay yourself first
Make time for family and friends
The Golden Rule is a good guide
Save up for quality, otherwise you're likely to have transitional furniture forever
A dollop of toothpaste the size of a pea is plenty enough
If you major in liberal arts grad school or re-training is on you

Other stuff...

There are very few true accidents. Inattention causes the most problems. Be attentive.

Don't apologize if you are not going to change your behavior.

Tell your mother you love her when she is at her most unlovable, just as she tells you.

Be honest and you don't have to tell the whole story.

Be thoughtful and have purpose.
I may not be in the right area..and not to change the subject..but my friends PLEASE! STAY AWAY FROM THIS WOMAN!I met her a year ago. I had a home, a job, and a family when we met. I have NOTHING NOW. I made a very poor dissension meeting her on cl. for sex and trade. What i did not know, she is apart of, lets say a group of gamers. I was smitten with her looks and 1 of very many personality. I know for a fact she has been in physic wards many times. But that is not the whole story. She prays on older men, the week and young..and sets them up for robbery. She stolid money out of my wallet. And only by a gut feeling I had one night when she invited me over to her house(macon/warner robins). I am a FIRM believer i might have possibly lost my life. She set me up for robbery and possibly death. I left early and as soon as i walked out the front door, a car full of men pulled into the drive way. I was armed at the time. and it saved my life. This is NO joke! She is also a part of a very sick game that hacks into your computer, black mails, and steals your identity.Strong accusations I know. I would not accuse some one without proof. She is a prostitute and i recently found her in MANY WEB SITES having unprotected sex with undesirables.You can take this warning or not. She is very cunning. PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES I MADE.
Oh yeah, forgot...always buy lemonade from kids with roadside stands.
Is that advice or a blurt?

A blurt. I miss her. This is the first time we've really been apart since she was born and it's kinda sorta killing me now that I'm all alone. I'm sure that there's a piece of advice in there somewhere about being overly attached.
A blurt. I miss her. This is the first time we've really been apart since she was born and it's kinda sorta killing me now that I'm all alone. I'm sure that there's a piece of advice in there somewhere about being overly attached.


Learn to skype or FaceTime
Texting feels good
Cell phones won't give you brain damage
ROFL. Moms don't do that.

Yes, I did and so does the son. It always makes us both smile.

When he was younger, we had most of our deep conversations in the car. He knew all the things I mentioned, in frequent conversations long before he needed it. I didn't sit him down, we just talked about the important things on his mind or mine.

I bopped him on the butt once when he started to run into the street. I told him it was to get his attention. After that, I would just say "I need your attention." I always felt horrible about the bop, and we've talked about that, too.

"How do lesbians have sex?" "How do people make babies?" All important information. I gave it to him clinically with no editorial and then he would ask more questions. No questions unanswered. Nothing too embarrassing to talk about.

He is a caring, kind, and accepting man now and he still tells me "I love you" with a twinkle in his eye when I am being unreasonable.
Follow your heart. Do what you love, money will come later. Be kind to your fellow humans, even when you think they don't deserve it. Take care of your body. Keep an open mind, avoid being judgemental. Learn to appreciate the little things. Don't put your tongue on a metal pole in winter.
Yes, I did and so does the son. It always makes us both smile.

When he was younger, we had most of our deep conversations in the car. He knew all the things I mentioned, in frequent conversations long before he needed it. I didn't sit him down, we just talked about the important things on his mind or mine.

I bopped him on the butt once when he started to run into the street. I told him it was to get his attention. After that, I would just say "I need your attention." I always felt horrible about the bop, and we've talked about that, too.

"How do lesbians have sex?" "How do people make babies?" All important information. I gave it to him clinically with no editorial and then he would ask more questions. No questions unanswered. Nothing too embarrassing to talk about.

He is a caring, kind, and accepting man now and he still tells me "I love you" with a twinkle in his eye when I am being unreasonable.

Has your child not heard of google dot com