If I was to change my name...


hello daddy
Mar 16, 2001
Would you still know it was me by the way I typed, the way I answered questions, etc?

Or could I post without anyone knowing that I changed my persona?

I was just curious, do we have a certian way that we post that could "give us away" if we were to change names?
I don't notice style as much as content. If you've been here for a long time, and I know you, I will probably recognize you even with the new name. If you aren't someone I know all that well, I won't.

You don't need to change your name to start over though. :rose:
those who know you well would smeel you out. Me? It would be like a cat trying to cover up on a tile floor.
Yes, I'd notice you ;)

You'd flirt shamelessly with me, for one thing...