If e-boning was not an available option to you would you go outside your marriage to seek satisfaction?


Literotica Guru
Apr 7, 2018
Many of us on lit are here to fulfill an unmet need as our spouses or SO’s have had a dramatic decrease in their libidos or are no longer interested in sex. if e-boning was not an available option to you would you go outside of your marriage to seek satisfaction?

Personally, I find myself wondering if having conversations and playtime on lit is helping me to keep from actually having a physical affair.

What are your thoughts?

Edited to remove masturbation as a “not available option.”
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Sexless 14 year's and loveless the last 8 year's, I have found pleasure a time or two in the last 8 year's, just doing what she told me to do.
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Wait…how would masturbation not be an option? Double behanding? And having an in-person affair would be much tougher than online or app sexy time.
Wait…how would masturbation not be an option? Double behanding? And having an in-person affair would be much tougher than online or app sexy time.
It’s a hypothetical. If the only way to achieve sexual satisfaction was being physically intimate with another person, would you do it?

It’s a way of asking is the time you spend on lit helping to keep you from physically being “unfaithful?”
Why wouldn't masturbation be an available option? Did I lose both my hands in a tragic thresher accident? Why the hell was I even working on a farm?! And even if I lost both my hands, couldn't I, like, just rub my dick against stuff until I came? Did I suffer some sort of traumatic brain injury that caused me to forget that dry humping is a thing? Is that brain injury the same reason I thought I was a farmer and tried using a thresher when I clearly had no fucking idea how to safely operate the machine? Look, I want to help you out here but nothing about this scenario makes sense!
Why wouldn't masturbation be an available option? Did I lose both my hands in a tragic thresher accident? Why the hell was I even working on a farm?! And even if I lost both my hands, couldn't I, like, just rub my dick against stuff until I came? Did I suffer some sort of traumatic brain injury that caused me to forget that dry humping is a thing? Is that brain injury the same reason I thought I was a farmer and tried using a thresher when I clearly had no fucking idea how to safely operate the machine? Look, I want to help you out here but nothing about this scenario makes sense!
Again, it’s a hypothetical. How about we forget about masturbation not being an option and instead limit it to “what if chatting/sexting on lit, or elsewhere, wasn’t an option? Would you be more likely to have a physical affair?”

As the thread starter, you can edit the title if you wanted to remove the (hypothetical) masturbation reference since folks are making a valid point that is difficult to look past.

Except in the case of the hypothetical thresher accident.

As the thread starter, you can edit the title if you wanted to remove the (hypothetical) masturbation reference since folks are making a valid point that is difficult to look past.

Except in the case of the hypothetical thresher accident.
Ok, I’ve eliminated masturbation, so you should all be happy now! Hmmm, no masturbation…. you should be more careful about what you ask for!
Again, it’s a hypothetical. How about we forget about masturbation not being an option and instead limit it to “what if chatting/sexting on lit, or elsewhere, wasn’t an option? Would you be more likely to have a physical affair?”
I'm not married but, no, I wouldn't have an affair. I abhor unfaithfulness. But even if I had her permission to seek sexual gratification elsewhere, I wouldn't. I should value my partner as more than just a cock receptacle/jizz jar. And maybe I do, but I still need sex. Fair enough. But if sex is that crucial to me, that essential to my happiness in a relationship and life in general, then I'd be forced to accept that our relationship no longer works for me and, if it can't be fixed, I'd end it so that each of us could find what we need with another. I don't subscribe to that "happily married but sexually unsatisfied" horseshit; if I'm unsatisfied with an aspect of the marriage, then I'm not happily married. Personally, I'd rather be alone than in a half-assed relationship, where one or both of us are miserable because we aren't able to have our needs met.

(For the record, I also consider "e-boning" to be cheating, so I wouldn't do that either.)
need some volunteers to test :)
I forgot that I've already done this. I don't know if it counts but I think it does. I had a sub that liked me to talk about him and what I made him do while he wore his cage. I'd make him wait for a few hours until I finally gave him permission to cum and it was always a wasted orgasm. 😂😂😂😈
Yes! Words and pictures or just words? I feel like an audio could do it..

guys don't listen lol seductive pics maybe like this
For me it's the audio more than the visual. I can fantasize the visuals.

But the audio? Just Wow. That's what sends me over the edge. I need to hear those lustful sounds being experienced.

If I'm going to add any visual to those sounds if the moaning, writhings, and orgasms, then it's her face. The combination of the sounds and the facial expressions is all I need.
To answer the original question...

I like to believe I wouldn't have a physical affair. If I'm being honest though, if some of my friends on here were closer, I'm not sure I wouldn't have by now. Probably for the best, really.

More likely, without an outlet, I'd probably be much more seriously considering divorce, or may have already by now. We're a good match in most other ways, but our mismatched libidos (and moreso her lack of caring, really) are causing a huge rift.
To answer the original question...

I like to believe I wouldn't have a physical affair. If I'm being honest though, if some of my friends on here were closer, I'm not sure I wouldn't have by now. Probably for the best, really.

More likely, without an outlet, I'd probably be much more seriously considering divorce, or may have already by now. We're a good match in most other ways, but our mismatched libidos (and moreso her lack of caring, really) are causing a huge rift.
Same here except I had the affairs