If Anthony Weiner needs therapy for sexting what does that say about all of you?

Or it says we could all fun for mayor in the best city in the country.
Who said he needed therapy.

He just said it because he thought it would work on the smartest people in the best city in the country.
I'm waiting for the Carlos Danger alt. Seriously, what is his wife hoping for, to be first lady?
This most recent indiscretion has him on the ropes. I wouldn't be surprised if he bows out before the end of the month.

At any rate I won't be voting for him. He'd probably just sit there sexting all day if he were voted in.
See. The big difference is we aren't holding ourselves out as normal, well adjusted, paragons of goodness and morality who are qualified to tell others how to live their lives.
Look, just face it, NY conservatives: Anthony Weiner's penis alone is a better man than you.