I want to fuck <fill in the blank>

so are you trying to tell me Fill in the Blank is taken and is with slick?
Fill in the blank was taken by Slick a looooooooooooog time ago.

Plasticman - lol @ Fill
Fill's the man that featured in all the nasty little dreams I've been having lately
islandman said:
Fill in the blank was taken by Slick a looooooooooooog time ago.
And you couldn't warn me? now my heart will be crushed.
Island you've officially confused me. Do I or do I not have Fill? I thought he was with Slick? And how can you have Slick if she's with Fill.... oh!
You're Fill?!?!
Rambling Rose said:
I'll have whatever he's having.

Only if you promise to wash my hair every morning...I'm afraid I might do a hot rinse if I am left all alone ;)
Well I'm not sharing until I get ahold of him for at least a couple of days.....
I think Fill in the Blank is a good name for a girl ;)
... but so is Fill in the Bank , Fill in the Glass ... heh
I want to Fuck J.B., Honeylick, Sexywench, Killermuffin, Vexinshe, Batgirl, and a lot more I just can't think of there names right now...... oh ya, Intrigue, amberrain, and carolinababe...... bunch more i still can't think of????
SW I never said I wouldn't fuck him over and over again!