I wanna be loved by you


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
Breathy-whisper sing with me, boys and girls!

I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone
pooh pooh bee doo!

I wanna be kissed by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be kissed by you alone

I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than to fill the desire
To make you my own
paah-dum paah-dum doo bee dum, pooooo!

I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone

I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than to fill the desire
To make you my own
paah-dum paah-dum doo bee dum, pooooo!

I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone
poo pooo beee dooo!

Wasn't she just a sincerely lovely woman? Why the hell they always paired her with such ugly mooks I'll *never* understand! :D

I may be a little off key but here go' s nothing

Breathy-whisper sing with me, boys and girls!

I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone
pooh pooh bee doo!

I wanna be kissed by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be kissed by you alone

I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than to fill the desire
To make you my own
paah-dum paah-dum doo bee dum, pooooo!

I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone

I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than to fill the desire
To make you my own
paah-dum paah-dum doo bee dum, pooooo!

I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone
poo pooo beee dooo!


No, it's a good thing! :D

I just wonder why more people aren't witnessing this phenomenon.
Hey! I can be just as fluffy as the next gal, ya know! :mad:
I know that you CAN. You just don't normally DO. :D

I'm happy that you did, chica.
That's pretty fluffy, Nora.

Not that it's bad....it's just.....



And Diamonds *are* a girls best friend.
Your saying that Clark Gable was a mook?

I am, of course, refering to "The Misfits" which was, IMHO, Miss Monroe's finest dramaic role.
Smiley777 said:
I used one of my gift cards. :D


SPARKLY!!!!! I love the bottom one, thank you! thank you! thank you! Remind me to breathy-whisper sing the Birthday Song to you when you go splurge on the rest of those gift cards. :D :kiss:

Am I really not fluffy? :confused:

(and PS...Clark wasn't my cuppa. I never liked his oily hair and stringy moustache. *ducks*)
No need to duck, dear one, BUT everyone had oily hair then, it was the look. Forget the hair, look at his HANDS.........Oh my!
PoliteSuccubus said:
Your saying that Clark Gable was a mook?

I am, of course, refering to "The Misfits" which was, IMHO, Miss Monroe's finest dramaic role.

Too bad it was her last. Good movie, that. I have a copy.

Speaking of Gable, I heard a story once about how seriously he took his sex appeal.

Buses full of movie star-ogling tourists routinely passed through the studio lot. Right after it was announced that Gable was considered "America's sex symbol," he used to run alongside the buses, take out his false teeth, gums flapping, and shout, 'Hey! I'm America's Seth Thymbol! Ain't I sethy?"

Now that's sexy. I love a man who doesn't take himself too seriously.

Admiring in Albequerque,
PoliteSuccubus said:
No need to duck, dear one, BUT everyone had oily hair then, it was the look. Forget the hair, look at his HANDS.........Oh my!

The Misfits was a great movie, though. Hmm...favorite Marilyn has to be either The Princess and the Showgirl (with Sir Larry being highly unattractive) or How to Marry a Millionaire. She's so cute with her glasses in that one!! :)
Nora said:
SPARKLY!!!!! I love the bottom one, thank you! thank you! thank you! Remind me to breathy-whisper sing the Birthday Song to you when you go splurge on the rest of those gift cards. :D :kiss:

*jots down Post-it and sticks to monitor* :D

I liked the bottom one as well.
You should type in a search for Lombard and Gable sometime...their love story is worth reading. She was beatiful and sexy with a mouth like a lumberjack...He was the hotest male star of his time.........they both had an outragous sense of humor and played jokes on each other, friends and foes. When she died it broke his heart in so many little peices, he never really was the same again.

I liked "Some Like It Hot." Not that they are hotties any longer, but both Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon where cute in their time.

"Will you lookit that. Like jello on springs!" Jack watching Marilyn walk away.
Smiley777 said:
*jots down Post-it and sticks to monitor* :D

I liked the bottom one as well.

*smiles* I'll keep a post-it note, too. Uh, wait. When's your birthday?

my post-it notes are the coooooolest cuz they're green =)
Nora said:
I wanna be loved by you
Just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone
pooh pooh bee doo!

WhatevAH! :rolleyes:

You had your chance.

I am off to bed to be loved by my pillow who shares everything with me.


ps...you would IF you loved me.
Re: Re: I wanna be loved by you

Mia62 said:
WhatevAH! :rolleyes:

You had your chance.

I am off to bed to be loved by my pillow who shares everything with me.


ps...you would IF you loved me.

*sigh* I love you, but I still couldn't tell!! I'm sowwy! :(