I love freckled women


Feb 10, 2002
I have this wonderful fetish for freckled women. To me there is nothing sexier than pretty freckled faces. I don't care if the girl is a little plump even, if she has a freckled face or better yet a sexy freckled chest, I'm in lust.

I would love to see this thread filled with pictures of beautiful freckled ladies so if you have any pictures please post them for all of us freckle freaks out there.

Thanks - Keep on thinking free
My favorite freckled girl!

Earthwind - That is one sexy freckle

Thanks earthwind for sharing that pic. That's a one of a kind freckle.

SLG - So let's see....Your pretty, your sexy, your smart, and you have a great sense of humor. What's not to like? I wish you had a few more freckles, but hey no body is perfect.

Thanks for your reply.
EarthWind said:
This is my heart freckle

i think thats a cute word.. freckle.. :)
Those do NOT look like freckles.

Oh . . . you were talking about your attachment and not your av.

Hey, that is cute! :)

i've had many freckled women....but i must say, red headed bitches are crazy... one tried to trick me into thinking she was preggos

As if I needed another reason for Caly to pop into my head :)