I Just Tried to Add Myself to my Ignore List


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
And this is what it said:

Sorry, you can not add yourself to your own list.

Not fair.
Olivianna said:
And this is what it said:

Sorry, you can not add yourself to your own list.
You'd probably turn invisible, and not be able to see anything at all. ~LOL~
Re: Re: I Just Tried to Add Myself to my Ignore List

LukkyKnight said:
You'd probably turn invisible, and not be able to see anything at all. ~LOL~

That's what I was hoping for - a portal to some other dimension. Alas, no, instead Lex just ignores me.
Olivianna said:
And this is what it said:

Sorry, you can not add yourself to your own list.

Not fair.

Whew! Thought I was the only one who tried to do this in the past. heheh
Re: Re: Re: I Just Tried to Add Myself to my Ignore List

Olivianna said:
That's what I was hoping for - a portal to some other dimension. Alas, no, instead Lex just ignores me.

Re: Re: Re: I Just Tried to Add Myself to my Ignore List

Olivianna said:
That's what I was hoping for - a portal to some other dimension. Alas, no, instead Lex just ignores me.
Lex Luthor is here? Where? Damn, I must have put him on ignore instead of LordLucan.
How many ignored people does it take to fill an ignore list?
Thanks. In the bitter north, we work on perfecting our gams in order to while away the hours of coldness. Or something like that.

I bet I couldn't even become my own buddy. You'd think on a porn board...
guilty pleasure said:
How many ignored people does it take to fill an ignore list?

Much like the question of how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop: "The world, may never know."
Re: Re: I Just Tried to Add Myself to my Ignore List

Renegade said:
Whew! Thought I was the only one who tried to do this in the past. heheh

Me too!