I hate it when


Sep 13, 2001
people start threads and I have no clue who or what they're referring to.

*Ahem, J.B. and Spicecake*.

If you're going to talk about people in threads, at least let the rest of us know who they are, people. Enquiring minds want to know (or at least, this one does).
I was just going to post the same thing on her thread.

Why bring it up ... if your not going to dish it?

See the drugs are hitting me.

I am so late on the whole hair smelling thing, *chuckling*

You're hair does smell good.
Good night, ladies.

Minx, try and make it Sunday. Bring your hair and panties.
lilminx said:
people start threads and I have no clue who or what they're referring to.

*Ahem, J.B. and Spicecake*.

If you're going to talk about people in threads, at least let the rest of us know who they are, people. Enquiring minds want to know (or at least, this one does).

Me too, because I'm nosy like that. Besides, I spend enough time lurking about here, you'd think I'd figure things out a bit more. I'm always so out of the loop.
MorgaineLaFay said:

See the drugs are hitting me.

I am so late on the whole hair smelling thing, *chuckling*

You're hair does smell good.

Are you easy when drugged?

woodcarver said:
I hate it when........

I get on a thread and it dies abruptly as though people are avoiding me.

Ugh! I hate that too. Or else they carry on a conversation around you like you never even posted. Frustrating. :D
HeavyStick said:
Are you easy when drugged?


I lurve everyone when drugged...funny story for another time.

Night lamb chop. I hope ya'll have a blast on Sunday.
woodcarver said:
I'd never do that to anyone.....'specially a lady


I won't ignore you if you don't ignore me. We can become a thread hijacking team. ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
I lurve everyone when drugged...funny story for another time.

Night lamb chop. I hope ya'll have a blast on Sunday.
You lurve everyone anyway, ya lil slut. :kiss:
woodcarver said:
** tosses you the tux while I don the tutu**

Ready to go hijack some threads now?

*puts on tuxedo*


Let's go. :D

Yeah ... I'm easy like that.

I'm off to watch Notting Hill, again...

Night Sexy.