I feel asleep during my MRI

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
and the woman had to re-do the last test cus I started getting the sleep twitchs in my hand and it cause my shoulder to move duing the MRI.

How screwed up is that (falling asleep in an MRI)?

It was my first.. but I'd they could be scary and claustrophobic to many people.

Anyone with good or bad experiences?

ChilledVodka said:
What is MRI and how does it feel?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (I think).

It doesn't "feel" like anything. You lie in a big steel tube and hear loud noises for a while.

I've had two done on my knees. It was a bit of a pain, but not that bad.

I couldn't see falling asleep though.
I hyperventilated and had to come back another day, drugged on valium, to complete the test.
How the hell could you fall asleep during that? They are so noisy it drives me crazy even with the headphones.
Lost count of the number I've had.

Fall asleep?

Not a chance, I'm itching to get out of that scary tube!!
Rubyfruit said:
I hyperventilated and had to come back another day, drugged on valium, to complete the test.

There there, hon.

You know what's good for hyperventilating? Put your head between your knees. If that doesn't work, you can try putting your head between Freya's legs. That might inspire some deep breathing.
I get one every 6 months or so my insurance hates me. lol
Great idea, Beefcake! If I ever have to have one again, I'll be sure to take a sweet-smelling girl along with me. :)
i fell asleep during mine too....only cause i had to shut my eyes...only thing you can do in there
Rubyfruit said:
Great idea, Beefcake! If I ever have to have one again, I'll be sure to take a sweet-smelling girl along with me. :)

Let me know if I can help.

Well, they scheduled me late (6:30pm) and I'd had a long day at work, plus I swam 1/2 mile in the morning, so by the time I got there I was a tad tired. I just closed my eyes and zoned out. The noise, while loud, is very monotanous (sp?)... it's kinda like hearing a constant chant I guess. Just helped me to zone out even more. Before I knew it I felt those little jerks you get when you almost slip into sleep but wake back up. Then i started feeling foot and hand twitches. I'm pretty sure I was asleep and dreaming during the last test part. That's the one she had to redo.

I didn't feel claustro at all. It was a tad tight for me since I'm a big guy though.


When my son was 4 days old he had an MRI done. They had to give him somehting to sleep though it. We lost his heart beat for about 10 seconds.