I don't refer to myself as an SHM...


aʒɑ̃ prɔvɔkatœr
Dec 3, 2009
Even though I am (historically) a skinny man.

At the moment as I consume my way into the next wrestling bracket, I wouldn't perhaps qualify, but I make the point for illustrative purposes.

Maybe we massage the language further and I start calling myself a Slender Handsome Man.

My point being that although I would probably mention my general body shape...(or lack of shape at the moment, although rounder is becoming a shape and less of an angle...where was I?)..I wouldn't trumpet it in my opening salvo, unless it was clearly a great sales point.

I get that roughly analogous to us SHM's (short, handsome men) experiencing our chances shrinking in a one to one ratio with our height... women can find that their market shrinks a bit in some sort of inverse proportion to the expansion of their bodies...

As a certifiable BHM (Bald, Handsome Man) I just post up a picture and if some chick doesn't know that a bald head feels awesome gliding up an inner thigh or the patently obvious likelihood that the extra testosterone that causes Male Pattern Baldness tends to leave other equally appealing 'endowments' in its wake, well....fuck 'em. I mean I dont fuck 'em.

I get that. No one wants to make a connection and then AFTER you get your hopes up have a "Sistah" tell you..."Oh, You're a WHITE boy? I'm sorry hunny, I'm sure you're a lovely SBM (Short, Bald Man) but I am only attracted to MOC's (Men of Color).

SO, what do I suggest?

Slide it in there....

you know like a horny cock between a set of triple F's!

Seriously, do you really assume that if you just maybe show a pic with a little lace and a WLC (Whole Lotta Cleavage!) that we assume you have Dolly Parton's waist?

guys that respond are going to be breast aficionado's and there's your target rich environ.

I'd like to hear some new and exciting marketing ideas for the more ample amongst us to put it ALL out there without apology.

I get that when BBW came out it was supposed to be empowering...

So was retarded. It just referred to the slight retardation of development...but after a while it became a slur, and I'd hate to see this term hit that low before it is superseded by something more fabulous.

So Ideas?

Somehow I find references to "Ample Curves" to be positive in its appeal.

Or without being disparaging mention the badges of honor that you have..."After (X number) of kids, I won't be fitting into my high school prom dress, but I try to dress in ways that flatter my figure."

I dunno...I don't like to point out a problem without a solution in mind, but I find myself not glancing through some threads so labeled when in fact the poster is a (not so) BigBEAUTIFUL Woman.

Thats the other thing...you gotta be I would think, what? at least a US size 12 or more before you even consider mentioning it. I mean 14 is the national average, so just because Junior kicked your abdomen out of round (well into round) a bit, git yerself some Fred and Rick's of Hollywood and call it good.
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Maybe there's an "appearance code" somewhere, like there is/used to be a geek code, and some other kinds of code. That's probably the only way to describe a person's appearance in something as short as a thread title.

Can't tell you how much it frustrates me that I can't go to pretty much any online dating site and tell it to show me only men with long hair...
Maybe there's an "appearance code" somewhere, like there is/used to be a geek code, and some other kinds of code. That's probably the only way to describe a person's appearance in something as short as a thread title.

Can't tell you how much it frustrates me that I can't go to pretty much any online dating site and tell it to show me only men with long hair...

I gotta find my Halloween costume picture where I sported a few days white stubble and a quality drag-queen frosted wig as Bob Seger.

But couldn't you just find a guy with lots of hair and a comfort-fit applicator and encourage him to grow it out? The bald ones are easy to screen out, just look for the camera flash glare!

Your profile (if I may) shows you delightfully spilling out the top of a nice fitted corset...so BBW is both extraneous and sort of untrue...Seriously, lets say I was explaining to a buddy which of the "Mary's" I meant...i would NEVER say, Oh the BBW", I'd say..."ya know the one with the big 'uns."

Also it seems you prefer natural grooming if I understand correctly...that's a niche but a VERY undeserved one...I had a buddy that had a prized collection of videos featuring hirsute girls. Not my thing, so I'm not great here on a straight up riff, but maybe "Euro-groomed?"

You are lovely by the way, but for the rest of you lets assume you are in fact hideous in some way.
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I was once perusing the craigs list personals and some goth chick (that should have been my clue) was looking for a TWM.

I had no idea what it meant and after asking a woman I know who has her profile on a half dozen dating sites said it stood for "Tattooed while male"

So you can't come out and say you're into tats.

Too bad I'm married and just looking through for fun I have ten of them and she was pretty hot.
A century ago the word was STOUT. It didn't mean fat, it meant healthy and fit, for women able to ambulate and take care of business. Because...almost every adult female was plump.

Having myself, only ambulated the earth just shy of a half-century I guess I wouldn't have first hand knowledge of common usage then...just kidden

Yeah I don't think stout nor husky is going to fly here. There's a woman that I see at the meat department of the grocery who is quite friendly to me...she reintroduced herself at the bar, apparently having met me at a party somewhere and I have no idea it then but since you brought that to my attention I always give her a friendly hello... she is definitely not fat but I would definitely say she could kick my ass.. I would say she's a stout woman you know the kind of woman that can buck hay bales? Like that.

How did we lose the word plump? That doesn't sound at all derogatory to me.

I rather like zoftig...but I've only heard it applied to blondes for some reason.

Lusty is good..

I'm a bit jealous of your 1913 dictionary I had probably about that edition but it's one of the many things that I lost in last couple of three moves and divorce.
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Having myself, only ambulated the earth just shy of a half-century I guess I wouldn't have first hand knowledge of common usage then...just kidden

Yeah I don't think stout nor husky is going to fly here. There's a woman that I see at the meat department of the grocery who is quite friendly to me...she reintroduced herself at the bar, apparently having met me at a party somewhere and I have no idea it then but since you brought that to my attention I always give her a friendly hello... she is definitely not fat but I would definitely say she could kick my ass.. I would say she's a stout woman you know the kind of woman that can buck hay bales? Like that.

How did we lose the word plump? That doesn't sound at all derogatory to me.

I rather like zoftig...but I've only heard it applied to blondes for some reason.

Lusty is good..

I'm a bit jealous of your 1913 dictionary I had probably about that edition but it's one of the many things that I lost in last couple of three moves and divorce.

Original meanings get lost because we're too lazy to increase our vocabularies beyond what any self-respecting dog knows (200 words). The 50 most common words do for half of what we say.
Where is the acronym dictionary when you need it!

I can tell I've been off the radar for awhile. Where has the simplicity gone? We are not a cookie cutter population. I want a truthful description and not a generic one.
I can tell I've been off the radar for awhile. Where has the simplicity gone? We are not a cookie cutter population. I want a truthful description and not a generic one.

Just before I met my wife I had a profile on adult friend finder I used no abbreviations and posted a picture I figured the pic should be able to describe better than words.
Your profile (if I may) shows you delightfully spilling out the top of a nice fitted corset...so BBW is both extraneous and sort of untrue...Seriously, lets say I was explaining to a buddy which of the "Mary's" I meant...i would NEVER say, Oh the BBW", I'd say..."ya know the one with the big 'uns."

Also it seems you prefer natural grooming if I understand correctly...that's a niche but a VERY undeserved one...I had a buddy that had a prized collection of videos featuring hirsute girls. Not my thing, so I'm not great here on a straight up riff, but maybe "Euro-groomed?"

You are lovely by the way, but for the rest of you lets assume you are in fact hideous in some way.
Thank you for the complementary comments. :cattail: That pose and the choice to wear the corset in my profile pic were both chosen to take emphasis away from my stomach and put it onto my chest instead. I'll attach a pic that shows the opposite - me from the side and sitting, suddenly all these belly rolls appear...

At 5'4" and 200lbs. I consider myself to be in the fat category, and that doesn't really bother me. I am at the very bottom end of what would usually be considered BBWs. I personally like the term plump when I'm writing, but the basic meaning of all those words (thick, heavy, etc.) is the same, what matters is the tone of voice of the person saying it (a thing which is always difficult to communicate over the internet.


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I like the term Rubenesque. As well as being a good descriptor, it also selects for people with at least an adequate vocabulary and maybe a touch of art history.
Hmmmmm. I am a little late to the party, but this thread interests me. :D

I'll start off by saying I am not tiny. I know I look skinny in my profile pic and avatar. In fact, I'm actually quite chubby. It's just that my cawk is so massive, blah blah blah.

*unpopular opinion about to ensue*

I realize this opinion is going to be as popular as granny porn at a NAMBLA meeting, but the whole BBW thing is annoying to me, because it's blanket applications are such that it gives BBW a bad name. Just because your big, doesn't mean you automatically get labeled a BBW. I realize beauty is in the eyes of the bee holders. But can we really trust those crazy enough to handle bees?

I find that a lot of women are labeling themselves BBWs when in fact they are, in my lofty opinion, just BW- beautiful women (not so big), BW- big women (not so beautiful) or just a plain woman.

If you've gotten to this point and not realized, err realised, I'm causing a stir and being a dick for the fun of it, you're lame. But I do wish people would label BBW a bit differently. If I hear another person refer to my dear Christina Hendricks as such, I'll drown a puppy.

However, I would have no idea where to start in describing myself.

I could help. Is breathtaking one word or two?
I sent a brief note to a young girl this morning (as is my wont to do, most mornings, afternoons and in the wee hours...but I digress)

She had referred to herself in a post as "chubby"

She isn't zoftig, certainly not skinny.

I didn't get technical with my appraisal of her body shape, simply telling her that I found her appealing and that a little left-over baby fat is not without its youthful appeal. Or some such.. I'm sure I was way smoother in my (sincere) flattery. Cute girl.

What it is with her is she is of modest endowment with regard to her mammalian protuberances, and therefore she ends up a bit pear-shaped. Not the classic look as women abhor that, but all in all either end of her is perfectly suitable for all sorts of debauchery...viewed as individual parts perfectly lovely, as a whole I can see why she is shy, but I really think she need not be,.