I Charmed the Balls off InternationalFunBoy


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
And he liked it! He liked it so much that he's sending them to me via federal express for a momento. I am so excited, because they're bouncy!!!!!!!!! I feel all tingly just thinking about it. He also called me classy, which made me blush.

Boy o boy, what a boy!
Cool. Are you going to hang them on your wall, or only take them out for special occasions?
Susano said:
Cool. Are you going to hang them on your wall, or only take them out for special occasions?

I have many plans for his balls. I'm making a list and checking it twice, in fact.
metalpalace said:
i will never like a woman enough to hand her my balls

Don't worry...I only charmed the bouncy ones off of him...now the downy soft balls, he will retain.
Ok...let me address this surprising proclamation with some factual information.

I have two sets of balls. Before ye label me the genetic freak-O-rama; my balls are as follows: Two green, normally aspirated ProPenn (TM) brand raquetballs for sport, leisure, and competition. The other pair are Downy Balls that I use in my laundry to soften it with sweet Mountain Spring fragrance.

Both pair make regular appearances on my webcam ;-)
Rubyfruit said:
What does a girl have to do to get an audience with the FunBoy?

i believe i'm your social secretary..let me make a few calls.
amelia said:

i believe i'm your social secretary..let me make a few calls.

Hon, I hardly think you are someone's social secretary. :D

I am just sorry that I am taking the bouncy ones, so that you all will never have to pleasure of seeing their grandeur.
you sound like you know what your doing. That is admirable in a woman, sexy quality..
Rubyfruit said:
What does a girl have to do to get an audience with the FunBoy?

Ruby ruby ruby... I'll need a note from your parent or guardian, and medical history. After that I'll be sending you a restraint that is to be used with your computer chair to ensure your safety during the show. Please remove all items from shelves and walls to prevent flying objects from injuring you.

Enjoy ;-)
Since turn about is fair play, I got all my charms out and tried to charm the teets off of Umee.....
But it didn't go quite like I planned. Instead of charming those fleshly mounds into my toy sack, I ended up charming her nipples like one of those indian snake charmers. They jumped up and did the twist, then the hippy hippy shake...

Then we used them to cut the frozen pizza before the movie started... i even hung my keys on the left one.
InternationalFunboy said:
Since turn about is fair play, I got all my charms out and tried to charm the teets off of Umee.....
But it didn't go quite like I planned. Instead of charming those fleshly mounds into my toy sack, I ended up charming her nipples like one of those indian snake charmers. They jumped up and did the twist, then the hippy hippy shake...

Then we used them to cut the frozen pizza before the movie started... i even hung my keys on the left one.

Unfortunately, he forgot to lick the pizza sauce off of them, and the keys slid right off. IFB may be witty and sexy, but he is sometimes lacking in common sense.

If we got his balls and my nips in one room...it would be the most erotic pairing since Perky and her strap-on. For that one fact, I am willing to forgive him his slight indiscretion.
I've been on his "manball viewing" list for quite some time. I feel cheated.
TN_Vixen said:
I've been on his "manball viewing" list for quite some time. I feel cheated.

List? There is a list? can i see?

Perhaps I should sell subscriptions to my balls......at least get some flow from all this media attention my juice crew is getting.
InternationalFunboy said:

List? There is a list? can i see?

Perhaps I should sell subscriptions to my balls......at least get some flow from all this media attention my juice crew is getting.

After all this time I find out there wasn't a list after all. You liar. I'm "x-ing" you off my "do-able" list big boy.
I'd pay money to see....

Some japanese style finger puppet theatre staring IFB's balls, and Eumenides nips. Much like punch and judy, without the slapstick. I think some well thought out japanese credo would be the ending, and we would all clap even though we are sitting indian style on a rug like little kids during story time in kindergarden.
PC.....they come in their own diamond and fur lined tote. For an additional 100 dollars you get holsters for them so you could sport them around town.

ridddder....absolute genius. Submit your script to my people we'll get Eume to produce and PV to direct. It should be a balls meets nips....balls loses nips....balls gets nips back they live happily ever after kind of story.