I am going to Hell. I am sure of it. It can't be all that bad....right?


Nov 27, 2002
I have soooooooo broken ALL my one Lenten promise.

Damn. I am condemned to Hell...forever and ever...Amen.
don't worry, hell is just non-existence. you won't even notice it, because you will no longer exist.
Mia62 said:
I have soooooooo broken ALL my one Lenten promise.

Damn. I am condemned to Hell...forever and ever...Amen.

I'm right there with ya:)
What was the promise?

No candy? Booze? Strange men under the bed?

Cherry said:
What was the promise?

No candy? Booze? Strange men under the bed?


HELLL!!! Those ones woulda been easy...

*hangs head in total shame*

It was no posting at Literotica.com.

I am soooooooo cursed.
Well, you could take the Irish approach to it...

I can't remember the thread it was in - one of the Irish threads that went up yesterday (well, yesterday here in AUS), but it started along the lines of:

You have only 2 things to worry about...

and it finished:

If you go to heaven, you can stop worrying. If you go to Hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with old friends that you won't have time to worry!
Mia62 said:
HELLL!!! Those ones woulda been easy...

*hangs head in total shame*

It was no posting at Literotica.com.

I am soooooooo cursed.

So addicted.
pointless said:
don't worry, hell is just non-existence. you won't even notice it, because you will no longer exist.
I think I would have to agree with you.
I really enjoy hell. The porn stores are always open, tons of all you can eat buffets, and fantastic company. Look me up when you get here.
That is why I don't make any pledges that I can't keep. Except this year I'm off sex, hell with my luck I'll make next year with that one.
SilvaTungDevil said:
I really enjoy hell. The porn stores are always open, tons of all you can eat buffets, and fantastic company. Look me up when you get here.

Ahm in Hell! I moved to Misery! The only consolation is that I live a stone's throw from the Limbaugh's!

:D :D :D

ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK! 2 out of 3 and the REAL tourney to go!
Don't feel bad - I only made two, and I broke them both. One was more of an accident, so I'm still holding out hope for that one...

Bob_Bytchin said:
We aren't in hell already?

No, but close. I mean, satan has made a hell hole of the Earth, but it has promise, and people feel it in their hearts that we will beat his sorry ass to a pulp.

It's okay though Mia, I have done far worse things in the past few weeks that God is mad about me doing, but if you care and you ask for forgiveness, you'll be okay.

Really, only evil fucks go to hell.

I can think of one or two right off hand that have been pissing me off for some time now, but I'll leave handling all that up to Jesus.