How to not get sucked into drama

May 19, 2011
Got trapped in the GB myself and I saw a lot of it here too.

So, let's try a purge.

How do we get drama free?
But seriously high drama today in GB (not new there) and HT (did y'all catch the fur flying between pmann and Chris and the beauty-chick?)... I mean drama in the HT. :rolleyes:
What fun would it be with no drama? KRC was a great fucking sideshow.
What fun would it be with no drama? KRC was a great fucking sideshow.

Who gives a fuck about KRC?!? (I always thought it was a dude, but saw someone else get corrected for saying so.)

I was talking about me!

I got sucked into all the drama. I was supposed to be a spectator.

Amazingly I managed fine on the HT drama. Got my popcorn and a front seat and just quietly watched.

This is why women should never be heard (yes I just quoted the great man).
Considering some of the ALT's in past I give this drama lesson a 3 out of 10.
to quote a modern day philospher...

"Don't START nuh-unn; Won't BE nuh-unn."

As an aside (not to start some-fin) but what it is with cultural authenticity requiring that one refuse to pronounce a "th"?

They just need love and understanding (and a good ole paddle to the butt).

I suspect you simply were hoping someone would take you over their knee, and paddle your butt RED.
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got to keep the love alive

"That's right. The box of candies you bought your girlfriend for Valentine's Day is actually a bunch of multicolored, dangling nutsacks."

Read more:


If you are not smiling it is not worth it.

(re-reading that through, it's almost as if NightL is recycling gifs...)
Well of course you were. It's your favorite subject!


Most spot on post I've read on here today.

I have no idea what you mean. I was only trying to get some tips on how I can avoid getting sucked into drama because I thought there may be others like me (only in this respect there is no one else like me) who would benefit from my thread.

And why shouldn't I talk about myself if I am a really interesting subject. I think you're just jealous of how awesome I am.
to quote a modern day philospher...

"Don't START nuh-unn; Won't BE nuh-unn."

As an aside (not to start some-fin) but what it is with cultural authenticity requiring that one refuse to pronounce a "th"?

Ya talk funny... Didnt ya momma teach ya how to talk proper like?

(I was gonna type that the way someone with an accent would speak, but then realised you may mistake it for me abusing you in an Indian language).

I suspect you simply were hoping someone would take you over their knee, and paddle your butt RED.

Yes master please spank me and teach me how to be a good girl (if any of you muthafcukers PM me telling me how you'd like to do this I swear I will hijack every thread and every post of yours and if you're the lurker type then I will start a thread in your name).

And don't forget 'sub'.
and YOU I assumed were a passionate sub-dude...but I guess that was a little dyslexic?

I thought you were kinda hot for a dude...wondered if you ever crossdressed....

maybe I should read more before I rat-a-tat-tat on my key-board gangster tommy-gun.

Don't write me off yet. I could just be subDude_passion you know. Just need to collect enough money for that procedure.
hahah oh I love you. :D

well thank you - but I hope you don't retract that shortly after you posted it.

following on from that other thread and your dismay - let me put it into context - I will chase anyone who I believe is intently wanting to belittle, harass and bully others purely for their own grandeur. Quite frankly "turn a blind eye" does not sit with me when there are some who defecate all over the board just to smell their own fingers after playing in their mess. I will be quite open here with my approach - I will look back at their previous postings and place a mirror in front of them. Threads get shut down and occasionally I get slapped on the wrist for not turning a blind eye. I always hold onto my sense of humour - and if retaliation gets nasty then I just view their delivery as a deeper hole they are digging for themselves.

I do have an ignore list - but there are some who I will keep holding that mirror up to. If I lose my sense of humour over a situation then it is time to put that person on ignore. Even during my crusade of last year about online bullying I never stopped laughing. The subject, however, was serious and I treated it with respect.

Of course there are many who I disagree with or don't like their approach - just not a fan of their delivery - but I can just ignore them even without clicking ignore.

If I were to get angry with someone, then that person has succeeded in taking something away from me. I won't allow that. They don't deserve that reward.
Come here. I'll share some of mine.


[size="-2"]Before you guys start on how I've used this pic, remember I'm lazy. Also couldn't find pics of kitties in ice-cream or soup/ or was it chowder pmann?[/size]

Ohmigod, kitty! So cute!

Thank you.

I take my kitty pics where I can get them.
When you appear on boards like HT I'm reminded of the Packard cachet they put on Studebakers.

When I started posting it was in the AH, but I really had no idea there were different boards.

It took me a while because I just hit "new post" and responded to the ones I was interested in. I still do.

I had to learn from my friends in the AH that they thought my friends in the GB were savages and heathens and worse, probably could not spell.

I granted them the spelling in some instances, but I do think the GB is the AH without a spellchecker.

I defy territorial boundaries.
I don't think either of us were scolding or waving a halo - just saying "hey guys, neither of you are the bad ones on this board - you are putting a lot of negative energy into something that is really not worth it" (my opinion of course)

OK - I am a hippie
Finally some honesty in this thread.

I also don't have any "How To" avoid it.

Except to not start threads like this without a good idea regarding how to...

So I'll watch and see if it shows up.

To truly avoid drama, don't talk to people (or yourself) and never get sick mentally or physically, be rich and buy things only on the internet on a perfect connection, live in your own beautiful inviolate island (without natural disasters) and be immune to loneliness.

Other than that, I think it's just part of living.