How much time do you spend with your lips around a big hard Penis?


How long until you delete all your posts and run back to your other ID?
Well, if I could just reach it...but I'm not flexible enough. :D
Gaucho said:
Well, if I could just reach it...but I'm not flexible enough. :D

Can't type I'm laughing so hard at your av and related line! Christ that is funny :)

To the other- not near enough and dreaming of one I could wrap mine around for days on end.:kiss:
Re: Re: Re: How much time do you spend with your lips around a big hard Penis?

*cherie* said:
Damn, Ruby, you beat me to it.

cherie???? Is that you?????:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much time do you spend with your lips around a big hard Penis?

*cherie* said:
Tis me, april!! *hugs*

*waving to cherie*
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much time do you spend with your lips around a big hard Penis?

*cherie* said:
Tis me, april!! *hugs*

Hmmmmmm think NOT.......hugsssssss;)
The question does offer an opportunity to take a look at foreign culture and eating habits elsewhere in the world.
For example, in Southeast Asia men eat, with gusto, water buffalo penises, believing that it will make them more virile and attractive to the opposite sex. The same is true in Nepal and Tibet, with men there chowing down on yak penis.
Gay men in Australia, meanwhile, are just wild about donkey dick.
Between Rubyfruit's and Zaudika's avs, I'm just about to the point of sticking my penis into a hole in the wall. Which wouldn't be difficult since our house is being remodeled.

The splinters would be a bitch, though.

Drama Queen said:
I am curious, especially as a percentage of your waking hours.

Not nearly as much as my husband would like... LOL

( I could do it 90% of my waking hours and it would not be enough for him... LOL... he is such a ummm... what is that word??? hmmmmm... oh yeah... he is such a MAN! LOL)
modest mouse said:

How long until you delete all your posts and run back to your other ID?


That is going to drive me nuts.