How much porn do you have on your computer?

How big is the porn collection on your computer??

  • Under one gigabyte.

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • 1-5 Gigabytes

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 5-10 Gigabytes

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 10-20 Gigabytes

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 20-30 Gigabytes

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 30-40 Gigabytes

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 40-50 Gigabytes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50+ Gigabytes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no porn on any of my computers.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Obligatory Other

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters

The Heretic

Literotica Guru
Oct 26, 2002
Since I got a broadband connection my collection has been growing quite a bit; about 5 GB now, most of it from newgroups.

How big is your collection?

Where do you get it?
I used to have quite a bit of video... mostly the amature stuff I like... about 2 gigs probably... but I recently deleted it...
I have some mpeg's that were made specifically for me. I have no clue how many gigs they are, but that's about it.
Minkey Boodle said:
I have some mpeg's that were made specifically for me. I have no clue how many gigs they are, but that's about it.
That's so mysterious, Vasquez.
The Heretic said:
Since I got a broadband connection my collection has been growing quite a bit; about 5 GB now, most of it from newgroups.

How big is your collection?

Where do you get it?

None. We burn it.

Dantetier said:
I used to have quite a bit of video... mostly the amature stuff I like... about 2 gigs probably... but I recently deleted it...
I have XNews which works fairly good for non-multi-part files, but doesn't seem to work for multi-part files or Yenc files. Most video files are multi-part so I don't have very many of those.
KillerMuffin said:
I haven't managed to write a gigabyte of smut yet.
Aww c'mon KM - we know you can do it. :D

Of my porn I have about 3000 story files comprising about 100 MB (all of which I have read many times) and about 55,000 pictures.
I have no idea.

I have over 100 video shorts,

about 40 personal pics

over 1000 other people pics

and then stories and poetry I write

and then stories and poetry I edit

I just deleted a whole bunch and that's what I have left.
Fuck is this the computerese version of feeling old?
My entire harddrive is smaller than one gigabyte.
I only have that picture of lilminx with the heiniken christmas lights and a few stories i've written.
Too damn much and I had to delete some because of a hard drive filling up too much! :mad:
Maybe I'll get a CD burner for my birthday.
About 20 Gigs give or take a few.

I'm thinking about installing a 40Gb hard drive just for porn.:D
My computer only contains the porn I make right here in my house.

And there's so much of it I have no more space left. . . :p
fgarvb1 said:
About 20 Gigs give or take a few.

I'm thinking about installing a 40Gb hard drive just for porn.:D
The larger drives (50-200 GB) run about $1-$2 per GB. I don't think I will run out of room on my 40 GB drive anytime soon (unless I find a good place/way to get whole movies), plus I have a CD burner. I find the more porn I get the more picky I am about what I download.
kotori said:
I only have that picture of lilminx with the heiniken christmas lights and a few stories i've written.


I have between 5 and 10 GB of porn clips on my computer. Pictures don't do much for me- I need action.

I get it all off of Kazaa.

I actually have to clear 2 GB of it because a friend is going to put in a bigger hard drive for me and I need to empty out my slave drive.
None, at least none after the seven yr old found some files. I came around the corner to see him sitting there looking at a pic of a couple fucking. He had the same "so that is what I do with this thing" look I had on my face after finding dads porno stash when I was about his age.
Kazaa sucks for porn. I get most of my movies off websites...

I got like seven cds of movies that I've downloaded plus another gig or so on my Hdd right now.
But once I get broadband *rubbing hands gleefully*...