How long does a "typical" online relationship last, do you think?

Ask cibo & Jessie

in my opinion they last, as long as it takes to read PPmans mind

not that long
If you don't take it outside the box and into your 'real life', any expectations of a lasting romantic relationship are unreasonable. You reach a sort of zenith and if you don't move beyond it, then it's all downhill from there.

On the hunt again, *bratcat*?
Hmmm...tried Google.....nothing on duration, but found this, and lifted it from:Third Age via Google

The Rules of Online Romance

Guys who used to frequent bars and watch the traffic are now looking at another kind of traffic. Instead of carousing clubs, they're browsing the Net.

And they are looking for what men (and women) have always sought: a partner. Sometimes it's for the moment, and sometimes for life.

No matter what the duration, most of us want a relationship. But the old rules don't necessarily work in the new universe. What we need these days is a set of guidelines for beginning an Internet relationship. So, in the hope of starting you on the right "dot com," here's a short list of "Do's" when you begin your Net romance.

Do answer questions honestly.
Do go slowly. Just because you can't meet face-to-face doesn't mean you have to speed the process.
Do ask the important questions (importance changes with each of us, but generally the important first questions concern marital status, age range, interests).
Do try to meet one another before you lose your head and/or your heart.
Do hold your expectations in check until you've followed all of the above do's.

Our first letter this week is from a man who hasn't thought all these things through.

Finding the Right Online Lover

Dear Lois
I keep meeting beautiful, wonderful women on the Internet. I take my time and do a lot of investigating before I get too involved with them. I always try to make sure they are available (not married). I have met personally with a couple of the ladies. They seemed to be the kinds of people I could live with the rest of my life. And then! It turns out they're still in the midst of divorce. How can I win?


Dear Old Fogey
The beauty of the Internet is that fantasy rules. Your investigating evidently has a few missing stitches. So put aside your dreams of what you want and face what is. There are many women out there who aren't married, and if you're really interested in meeting one of them, I'm sure that by continuing your efforts and asking the right questions, you'll find her. By the way, you never mentioned it--but are you married?
lemme see....

I know weed since april, now we have october, right ?
Oh that makes six months.

Honey, we're through.
Hmmm. I've been married to my online romance for six years this October 25th. I'm guessing, however, that that isn't the norm.
Re: That was snide, bitchy and totally uncalled for

Actually, considering the source, it was fairly mild and more a play on your name than a bloodletting dig.

I'm not in a nasty mood. Don't put me in one.
I guess I'm just trying to encourage everyone. ;) It can work! I swear! It can go past six months if you want it to.
Lancecastor said:
The Rules of Online Romance:

Do answer questions honestly.

Do go slowly. Just because you can't meet face-to-face doesn't mean you have to speed the process.

Do ask the important questions (importance changes with each of us, but generally the important first questions concern marital status, age range, interests).

Do try to meet one another before you lose your head and/or your heart.

Do hold your expectations in check until you've followed all of the above do's.

I think everyone even considering falling for someone online should print this out and paste it to their screen. It should be a daily mantra.
Re: considering the source

*bratcat* said:
wtf is that supposed to mean?

It means my claws are sharper than that. If I'd wanted rip you to shreds I would have extended them.

It means you were overly sensitive, Cath. Settle down and don't go looking for trouble where there is none.
*bratcat* said:
In order to get past that point...I would think that one or the other would have to make some sort of sacrifices, yes?

Any long lasting relationships makes sacrifices.

In fact, I've deemed that that is what marriage is at is base: Making sacrifices in order to live with someone for a very long time, and not end up killing them in the process!

Oh, there is more to it. But getting over things, and being willing to sacrifice others is a big part of it.
*bratcat* said:
Six months seems to be a making or breaking point from what I have noticed...

It is at that time that someone usually says that they have to work on fixing their "real" life and they have no time for anything else.

I wonder if those "real" lives ever get worked out? But I guess that is another thread, eh?

I never got the on-line relationship thing...didn't make sense to me unless you were willing to do something about it. I see the people here as real.

I'll make the sacrifice...
*bratcat* said:
It is at that time that someone usually says that they have to work on fixing their "real" life and they have no time for anything else.

You say that like it's a bad thing. Shouldn't your real life take presidence over your laptop?
Oh, regarding sacrifices.

I sacrificed my home, to come move up to PA with him. Then a few months later, he sacrificed his home to come back to Nebraska with me. He has been here ever since. As far as that sort of sacrifice has been concerned, I am afraid, he has sacrificed much more to be with me, than I for him. He has not seen his mom for two years.
Re: Re: How long does a "typical" online relationship last, do you think?

sunstruck said:
You say that like it's a bad thing. Shouldn't your real life take presidence over your laptop?
I agree, however most people dont want to put the effort into something thats tangible. Much more easy to get your kicks on Route 66...
*bratcat* said:
In order to get past that point...I would think that one or the other would have to make some sort of sacrifices, yes?

That sounds like RL relationship, doesn't it.
That's why I think there's no real difference between RL and internet.
You can't just pretend feelings on the long run.
You can't just pretend a "second" personality on the long run.
Some day your real YOU appears, sooner or later.
And maybe that happens after those six months bc mentioned above.