A story edit has been approved (ie no longer in my pending folder). I'm just wondering if anyone knows what the usual time frame of when it will change?
Usually right around the 24 hour mark. It can be as much as 48 hours, but it's usually just before 24 when the changes start propagating.
If the submission is multi-paged, or you modified any of the metadata such as tags/title/description, then don't be worried if not everything changes immediately. The cache will eventually catch up with the entirety of the new edit — usually in less than an hour.
Yeah, it's not a countdown like a number of hours, it's on a schedule, basically first thing on the date indicated, as of US Eastern time zone and date change. Sometimes it's midnight, other times it's 1am and I believe that the difference is according to daylight savings time. Like the computer with the publishing queue doesn't have its time changed in the summer like regular people's clocks do.