How is being liked a form of oppression?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
The basic premise of the "sex harassment" laws is that its a form of oppression and even "discrimination" when someone is attracted to someone else.

This fails any test of basic logic. It makes no sense. Most normal people are happy if someone is attracted to them. If they aren't interested, they are at least flattered someone likes them. I can understand attractive women might grow to take this for granted, it makes sense if they stop appreciating it but to go to the effort to sue someone over it has never made any sense.
There is attraction and there is: your mailbox full of obnoxious letters, your answering machine full of unwanted messages and not being able to open the door without a psycho's face being behind it.
The sad truth is that the "sex harassment" laws are actually just an effort to de-heterosexualize everyday life. They are designed to push heterosexuality into the closet or the at least behind closed doors with the drapes pulled, while simultaneously homosexuality is paraded around on the streets and on television.
The basic premise of the "sex harassment" laws is that its a form of oppression and even "discrimination" when someone is attracted to someone else.

This fails any test of basic logic. It makes no sense. Most normal people are happy if someone is attracted to them. If they aren't interested, they are at least flattered someone likes them. I can understand attractive women might grow to take this for granted, it makes sense if they stop appreciating it but to go to the effort to sue someone over it has never made any sense.

It is not a shock that you do not understand the meaning of normal versus abnormal attraction.
Sexual harassment is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Notice the words unwelcome and inappopropriate.
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There is attraction and there is: your mailbox full of obnoxious letters, your answering machine full of unwanted messages and not being able to open the door without a psycho's face being behind it.

I don't believe that happens very often. If that's really the goals of these laws, why is the definition of it deliberately left so vague that even glancing at someone can be called harassment?
The sad truth is that the "sex harassment" laws are actually just an effort to de-heterosexualize everyday life. They are designed to push heterosexuality into the closet or the at least behind closed doors with the drapes pulled, while simultaneously homosexuality is paraded around on the streets and on television.

Did you get caught peeking in windows again? Drapes are there for a reason.
LJ posted a thread where a militant young feminist (possibly a full blown lesbian) openly states that sex harassment laws should be CRIMINAL offenses and that a man merely asking a woman on a date ANYWHERE (not just at work) should be a crime. She clearly emphasizes that its men that these laws should target.

That's what most normal people would call extremism.
I don't believe that happens very often. If that's really the goals of these laws, why is the definition of it deliberately left so vague that even glancing at someone can be called harassment?

I don't believe most people are called to the carpet for one time glancing at someone. I don't believe that happens very often. The repetitive nature after the behavior has been told to be inappropriate is harrassment.
LJ posted a thread where a militant young feminist (possibly a full blown lesbian) openly states that sex harassment laws should be CRIMINAL offenses and that a man merely asking a woman on a date ANYWHERE (not just at work) should be a crime. She clearly emphasizes that its men that these laws should target.

That's what most normal people would call extremism.

That chick is looney and most people would call that extreme. It sounds like she just does not want male attention. That is her choice. More power to her but it should not be the law.
This is a crappy thread even for you.

The basic premise of the "sex harassment" laws is that its a form of oppression and even "discrimination" when someone is attracted to someone else.


And thus, the reas of this thread is null and void.

Who turns off the light?

Frank J. Short was arrested Tuesday afternoon for allegedly throwing a glob of his own semen onto the back of a 20-year-old female shopper at a Walmart in New Castle, Del., because, he later told police, he thought the woman was attractive.

next time a big creepy looking fat girl follows you around and then decides to smear some of her poop/pee/spit/juices on you i hope you remember: it's because she likes you!