How do you deal with being temporarily lonely?


Jun 8, 2000
Do you linger here? Call some friends? Immerse yourself in household chores? Volunteer for extra work at your job? Maybe even shut everyone out and take that time just for yourself?

What's your favorite way to deal with it? Your least favorite?
I get in my car and drive with the stereo turned up really loud and enjoy the moments that I can be and feel temporarily lonely. Or, I go out to the barn and lavish attention on my horse. Temporary moments of lonliness don't happen very often and I treasure them when it does happen!
It's my first instinct to withdraw. If I really can't reach out, I'll do things that are productive- read, paint, rake leaves, etc.
If it gets to be too much ie. crying lots and not washing my armpits ( heh) then I make myself go see my family.
I cry, clean, clean, clean and then when there is no more cleaning to be done I take a long, hot soak in the tub and cry some more. When I'm done in the tub I find something soothing to do to bring myself back to not feeling so loney.
I'm alone a lot, even when there are people around me I'm alone. Sometimes it's great, other times it sucks to be surrounded by people and feel so alone.

As long as I'm sure it is really temporary I quite enjoy being alone. I read, listen to music he hates - but I like, eat stuff he hates, take up THE WHOLE BED!!!
If it's really bad for me, I wander around the house looking for something to occupy my time. That's the same thing I do when really bored.

It would be so nice to live near some of you. Then we could go out together and have fun. No one would have to be lonely or bored. :)
Try to get out and do something. Favorite: go cycling for several hours. Least favorite: being stuck indoors with nothing to do and have to watch TV, or spank off. LOL
Cry, eat lots, feel very sorry for myself and get that kind of mood at the's nice to know you're not the only one feeling lonely sometimes:)
Every two weeks I get a shot of 'lonely'. Going to work staying in camp. I have good co-workers who are in the same boat as me so we keep an eye out for each other and B.S. each other as much as possible. Still, there is that two or three hours after supper...all alone. No computer to cruise to lit on (filtered out lit with the porn sites...can you imagine?) gets tough at times. That is when I read, or sometimes write, or play electronic games that I have at work for just that purpose. The writing is hard since it is longhand and I don't like to write on paper.
What exactly to we mean by "temporarily lonely"? Like, one Saturday afternoon/night, everyone seems to be busy, so you're stuck with just your lonesome? Or like after a bad relationship breakup, you're by yourself until someone new comes along? What, exactly, are we talkin' 'bout here?
I'm not dealing overly well with it right now. I had a depressing date on saturday...I hate it when I meet attractive, nice, single men and feel no attraction for them. Chemistry is tricky
April said:
If it's really bad for me, I wander around the house looking for something to occupy my time. That's the same thing I do when really bored.

It would be so nice to live near some of you. Then we could go out together and have fun. No one would have to be lonely or bored. :)

Come move near me!
Hang aorund various boards. Then Call a friend, then Work until I drop. And not neccersarily in that order either.
Oddly enough, I enjoy being alone. I can sing out loud without annoying people and I can watch whatever movie I want to watch without much debate.

I take those moments to do all the little things I can't do with other people around, like dump out my file cabinet and sort through all the stuff, or cook food they don't like that I love (damn vegetarians! ;) )
Yo. In prison, when I was lonely, I would make up imaginary friends. Its funny, wherever they came from they must have a very good commisarry. Those guys gained about 50 lbs apiece while I was walking down my time.
I clean, clean, and clean some more. I glance at the phone too many times and I sigh too much. Then I log on here and answer threads like this one, drink in hand.

My house is absolutely fucking spotless. My phone isn't ringing. Every time I feel like sighing, I'm going to take a sip of this Gentleman Jack.

Cheers. :)

when I have pleanty of time to sit about and wish for things I can't have, I either take drugs to not care ( I seriously don't recommend this, I wouldn't do it if never started, so at least I know "of" better) or I channel all that energy into something creative or artistic. Art is the closest thing to zen I've found so far, except for maybe the much too short male orgasm, but it's all about not giving my mind to sit and ponder, I suppose.