Now, I'm an amateur writer of erotica who has a close female friend whom I think is really pretty However, I have no intention of ever dating her because I realize that while we're excellent friends, we probably wouldn't be compatible as a couple. This also means that I have no interest in having sex with her or exchanging nude pics since I belief that these are activities that are best left to lovers. However, nevertheless , I'd still love to writer an erotic story featuring her as the main character. My friend in question is not a prude and actually reacts with amusement rather than outrage when her other friends post sexual innuendo on her facebook page, some of it rather explicit (for example, one of her friends actually asked her if her frequent sexual activity with her last boyfriend was leaving her tired to focus on her assignments. She's also posed photos of herself fondling the crotch of a leering, bearded pirate statue in a rather suggestive manner). Therefore, in light of what I've said, what would be the best way of introducing the subject to my friend? Thanks for reading this.