Hot Blond Texas Mom Uses The Second To Whack Her Kids

A police officer heard him pleading with his wife before she was shot dead, neighbour Fazz Zainuddin told Click2Houston.

‘[The officer] heard the dad say, "Don’t do this. They’re our kids",' Zainuddin said.

Officers had responded to a 911 call around 5pm on Friday. They arrived to find the two daughters lying outside the home in the 6000 block of Remson Hollow Lane.

The mother, who is originally from Decatur, Alabama, was killed by a responding police officer after she refused to drop her pistol, authorities said.

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That means we don't know what happened before the girls were killed in the street or what he said.

He pled with her...after the girls were killed.
How many ugly black kids who believe it is their right to tote a gun, legal or illegal, shot someone this week in Chicago?

But hot blonde mom, man that gets the attention of the anti-gun crowd. No racism in that reaction.


^^^^Teh effortless pivot away from a white woman to #ThosePeople and the " on black crime!" talking point.

Not really. Homes with guns are more likely to have murders than homes without guns:

Anglemyer's team also found about a two-fold increased risk of death from murder among people who had access to a gun, compared to those without access to firearms. For women, the increased risk of being killed was even higher.
. . .
Anglemyer and his colleagues write that previous studies have suggested rates of suicide and murder may be higher in areas with a high prevalence of gun ownership because people who commit those acts on impulse have an easier time getting a gun there.

Also see this interesting graph which compares murders by gun in states with more gun restrictions than those who are more permissive (Myth #2):

And from Johns Hopkins, a fact sheet on Intimate Partner Violence and its relationship to gun ownership:

According to federal data collected from police departments, in 2005 approximately 40% of female homicide victims ages 15 – 50 were killed by either a current or former intimate partner. In over half (55%) of these cases, the perpetrator used a gun. Among male victims 15 – 50 years of age, 2% were killed by either a current or former intimate partner. About 37% of the male intimate partner homicides involved a gun.
. . .
Compared to homes without guns, the presence of guns in the home is associated with a 3-fold increased homicide risk within the home. The risk connected to gun ownership increases to 8-fold when the offender is an intimate partner or relative of the victim and is 20 times higher when previous domestic violence exists.

What does it say about home invasions of gun-free homes especially in gun-free ones?
‘[The officer] heard the dad say, "Don’t do this. They’re our kids",' Zainuddin said.

"Don't kill them just to get back at me - they're your kids, too."

Wonder if that was her motive. It oftentimes is, because many people are sick assholes. Unconditional parental love is one of the dumber, more tone-deaf myths out there.
"Don't kill them just to get back at me - they're your kids, too."

Wonder if that was her motive. It oftentimes is, because many people are sick assholes. Unconditional parental love is one of the dumber, more tone-deaf myths out there.

Along with black lives matter:

These are recent stories from the small, podunk city I live near.
What does it say about home invasions of gun-free homes especially in gun-free ones?

^^^^Chief Lee Obese immediately begins his trademark cherry picking.

"Yeah? Well if you exclude the votes of black people, Hispanics and single cunts, Romney actually WON in 2012!"
"Christy Sheats had expressed support on Facebook for her right to carry a semi-automatic handgun recently, writing: "It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns."

Took me a while but I remember where I heard something similar. Years ago we had a mother in our area carry a handgun to her daughter's soccer games. People were upset but she defended her right using similar language.

She was killed a year later by her husband. Her loaded weapon was found hanging in a backpack by the front door.
From the comments section in the CBS news report


The real purpose of BLM is to push homosexual acceptance and trannyism in the black community. Black men are only there for show, just there for the cameras. BLM seeks to eject all black men from the movement once it is feasible to do so. They don't even want black men to be involved in parenting at all so your links dont much matter.
"Don't kill them just to get back at me - they're your kids, too."

Wonder if that was her motive. It oftentimes is, because many people are sick assholes. Unconditional parental love is one of the dumber, more tone-deaf myths out there.

It's called a Medea complex. I wonder if she left a poisonous cloak for her husband's lover?
Reports say police had been there on numerous occasions. There is some thought she was mentally unstable. Anyone who rants on FB about 2nd Amendment rights instead of using it to post inane family and friends stuff to family and friends is probably unstable. I suspect the signs were their but ignored or glossed over.
Uh oh... I'm hot and own a gun. I guess that means I'm gonna go on a shooting spree. It's pure ordained, don'tcha know.
Uh oh... I'm hot and own a gun. I guess that means I'm gonna go on a shooting spree. It's pure ordained, don'tcha know.

Do you rant on FB about the 2nd? Have police come to your door multiple times for domestic issues?
"Christy Sheats had expressed support on Facebook for her right to carry a semi-automatic handgun recently, writing: "It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns."

Took me a while but I remember where I heard something similar. Years ago we had a mother in our area carry a handgun to her daughter's soccer games. People were upset but she defended her right using similar language.

She was killed a year later by her husband. Her loaded weapon was found hanging in a backpack by the front door.

That does it.

Get rid of husbands now before this kind of insanity becomes an epidemic.
The people that drone on and on about their god given right to own a gun, are the very nuts that shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
I could care less about gun control about this case. Im very curious what would drive a mother to do that to her own kids.

I just dont understand.

She chased them out of the house and gunned them down like dogs in the road.
I could care less about gun control about this case. Im very curious what would drive a mother to do that to her own kids.

I just dont understand.

She chased them out of the house and gunned them down like dogs in the road.

They wouldn't pick up their fucking shit or shut the fuck up and she came unglued.
Reports say police had been there on numerous occasions. There is some thought she was mentally unstable. Anyone who rants on FB about 2nd Amendment rights instead of using it to post inane family and friends stuff to family and friends is probably unstable. I suspect the signs were their but ignored or glossed over.

Yeah, the GB of politics board is the best place to rant about such stuff.
Think we need to do a roll call of the gun nuts posting to the Literotica forums about the second amendment to make sure that Texas Momma wasn't a regular poster here. All the rest of you gun nuts still here?