Rookie Sacramento officer shot dead as she helps woman during domestic violence call


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003
This sort of shit drives me crazy. They used to lose officers semi-regularly because of DD calls in Massachusetts; it was senseless. They should get to throw a smoke bomb into the space or some other provision before engaging these scenarios.


A rookie Sacramento police officer was fatally shot during a domestic violence call and lay wounded for about 45 minutes as the gunman kept officers at bay with volleys of bullets, authorities said Thursday. Officer Tara O'Sullivan, 26, was shot Wednesday while helping a woman collect her belongings to leave her home.

As officers swarmed the area, the gunman continued firing and the standoff lasted about eight hours before he surrendered. Sacramento Police on Thursday identified the suspect as 45-year-old Adel Sambrano Ramos and said he's been booked on charges relating to O'Sullivan's murder.
This sort of shit drives me crazy. They used to lose officers semi-regularly because of DD calls in Massachusetts; it was senseless. They should get to throw a smoke bomb into the space or some other provision before engaging these scenarios.

But then they would be racist Nazis!!

1. Think
2. Post

Hey I'm just wanting to be "woke"....and policing is advocating their using violence against people preemptively is you supporting racism getting violent.

Violent racism sounds like Nazi to the woke crowd bubba. :cool:
The entire American constitution needs to be updated/rewritten but that won't ever happen as the US drags the world along with it.
Hey I'm just wanting to be "woke"....and policing is advocating their using violence against people preemptively is you supporting racism getting violent.

Violent racism sounds like Nazi to the woke crowd bubba. :cool:

Especially when the perp has a last name like Ramos.
landowners are the only ones to vote

Yes to this one... with a spin
If you are living on government handouts, you don't get to vote.
If you don't have any skin in the game, you don't get to vote.
If you are a net negative to the government coffers, you don't get to vote.
Here's another one.
Senators need to go back to being elected by the State Legislature like originally intended. The popular vote opens them up to being directly lobbied by Big Business interests, and they need money for their campaigns.
When congress members leave office, an overwhelming number of them go and get lucrative jobs with the lobbying organizations they gave sweetheart deals to. Being in congress is like a job application, you get to prove your loyalty to Big Business over the people you are supposed to be serving.

Trump passed an EO that addresses this, a 5 year ban on congress members taking jobs from the lobbyist they worked with.
When congress members leave office, an overwhelming number of them go and get lucrative jobs with the lobbying organizations they gave sweetheart deals to. Being in congress is like a job application, you get to prove your loyalty to Big Business over the people you are supposed to be serving.

Trump passed an EO that addresses this, a 5 year ban on congress members taking jobs from the lobbyist they worked with.

I doubt that this unilateral executive order, like most of his royal edicts, will withstand court scrutiny. Trump has yet to learn that he cannot rule by executive order.
Oh yeah, the amendment that lets Senators be popularly elected was created in 1913. That's the same year the USA instituted The Federal Reserve (centralized banking).
Follow the money!!

Fucking democrats ruin everything they touch, selfish greedy bastards.