The Left's Favorite Myth


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

The Left's Favorite Myth​

And why it's kept alive​

APR 01, 2024

According to The Washington Post’s “Police Shooting” database, after filtering for race and lack of a weapon, 16 unarmed black men were shot and killed by law enforcement in 2023. And as per the narrative surrounding these, the majority were either struggling with the officer, attempting to run the cop down with a car, or simulating a gun by reaching towards the waistband.

Here’s what the results look like (click the image to go to the database):


Sixteen. Not “thousands” as the routine wisdom has it. Not something happening “everyday.” Sixteen.

Is 16 deaths desirable? Acceptable? Of course not. But in light of the fact that police make millions of arrests each year and have tens of millions more encounters — and that most of even this 16 were deemed justified — I’d say those numbers are remarkable. What other profession could withstand such scrutiny?

More here:

According to the article last year 378 cops were shot on the job.
Cops have been getting shot since before you were ejected from your whore of a mother's rotted twat. It has nothing to do with the Left, you histrionic dumbfuck.

The Left's Favorite Myth​

And why it's kept alive​

APR 01, 2024

According to The Washington Post’s “Police Shooting” database, after filtering for race and lack of a weapon, 16 unarmed black men were shot and killed by law enforcement in 2023. And as per the narrative surrounding these, the majority were either struggling with the officer, attempting to run the cop down with a car, or simulating a gun by reaching towards the waistband.

Here’s what the results look like (click the image to go to the database):

View attachment 2333713

Sixteen. Not “thousands” as the routine wisdom has it. Not something happening “everyday.” Sixteen.

Is 16 deaths desirable? Acceptable? Of course not. But in light of the fact that police make millions of arrests each year and have tens of millions more encounters — and that most of even this 16 were deemed justified — I’d say those numbers are remarkable. What other profession could withstand such scrutiny?

More here:

According to the article last year 378 cops were shot on the job.
In 2024, according to the FBI, since I have no idea where your data came from, 178 civilians in 2024 have been shot to the end of March. Of those 32 were black. Of the 178 2 were unarmed, both blacks.

I say bullshit to the article statement of "I'd say those numbers are remarkable. What other profession could withstand such scrutiny"

In Canada there were 8 people shot and killed by police (2022 is the latest available). None of whom were unarmed. There are millions of police interactions here too.

There is zero room in policing to make mistakes, zero!! 16 is far too many, and slapping each other on the back over that is reprehensible.
From the OP: "struggling with the officer, attempting to run the cop down with a car, or simulating a gun by reaching towards the waistband"

Cops always have lots excuses when they kill unarmed black men.
How many of those 378 cops were unarmed?

By the way, 46 of them were killed.

The Left's Favorite Myth​

And why it's kept alive​

APR 01, 2024

According to The Washington Post’s “Police Shooting” database, after filtering for race and lack of a weapon, 16 unarmed black men were shot and killed by law enforcement in 2023. And as per the narrative surrounding these, the majority were either struggling with the officer, attempting to run the cop down with a car, or simulating a gun by reaching towards the waistband.

Here’s what the results look like (click the image to go to the database):

View attachment 2333713

Sixteen. Not “thousands” as the routine wisdom has it. Not something happening “everyday.” Sixteen.

Is 16 deaths desirable? Acceptable? Of course not. But in light of the fact that police make millions of arrests each year and have tens of millions more encounters — and that most of even this 16 were deemed justified — I’d say those numbers are remarkable. What other profession could withstand such scrutiny?

More here:

According to the article last year 378 cops were shot on the job.
So there are days you like mainstream media sources?? So confusing.

But of course you found yourself someone (a biased source too) who has used that data and has their own “analysis.” Good old Paul1. He has a very deep and legit background. Wait, he doesn’t. Just as you like them!
From the OP: "struggling with the officer, attempting to run the cop down with a car, or simulating a gun by reaching towards the waistband"

Cops always have lots excuses when they kill unarmed black men.
Yes, cops should always be expected to offer up their lives to the criminal element, especially if they are black, right?
Yes, cops should always be expected to offer up their lives to the criminal element, especially if they are black, right?
Well if there weren't so many fucking guns, the cops wouldn't have to be so fucking tense. Some better training wouldn't hurt either.

Statistics for people killed by shooting by cops in 2023 (including those who may just be exercising their 2A rights or does that only apply to white people?).

White: 425
Black: 229
Hispanic: 133
Other: 29
Other: 347

So in 347 cases the police didn't bother recording the racial characteristics of their victim. Therefore it's entirely possible that the number is 576.

The above figures do not include people who died by strangulation, positional asphyxiation, vehicle collision, knee placed on neck, etc.
A myth is a story, with previous versions of the story going all the way back to long before the beginning of civilization, mixed with more recent historic events, religions, and cultural standards. The myth of Jesus as the son of God started as many previous myths of demigod sacrifices and some guy in Israel who had a fatal case of political disagreement with the Romans. As Joseph Campbell described it, a myth is a metaphor.
I don't disagree.

The data doesn't show that blacks do that more than whites.
Yes it does. You just don't want to know the truth. I have posted the FBI UCR data on race involvement in violent crime several times here on Lit.
Yes, cops should always be expected to offer up their lives to the criminal element, especially if they are black, right?
Cops should be trained to subdue suspects with non-lethal force, not immediately start shooting at the slightest provocation.
Cops should be trained to subdue suspects with non-lethal force, not immediately start shooting at the slightest provocation.
They don't start shooting at the "slightest provocation." That's why 23 times more cops were killed on the job last year than black males.