holy shit.

If I've learned one thing from this thread it would be that PoeticMusings53 is a total dickhead for several reasons. That being said...

I did have something quite similar happen to me when I was around 20. I was sleeping on my friends couch, middle of the night when I awake to her boyfriend's head between my legs. Kinda freaked out and kicked him, rolled over and went back to sleep.

The next morning I hesitated to tell her but finally did and guess who got blamed? She said it was my fault for sleeping in the nude. Nevermind that we were in different rooms and I had sheets... Funny thing that goes on between couples, ya know :rolleyes:
Boy, Poeticmofo really seemed to have gotten hot and bothered about this, since he's gone ahead and stuck it in his sigline. *laughs*
a view from wherever

The guy is a guest in someone's home...That alone makes his actions
worthy of sudden and decisive eviction.

He has already been told by the target of his attentions that
she does not like backrubs from guys. That carries an implicit
statement of "keep your fucking hands off me". He touched her anyway.
That IS assault.
His assumption it is ok displays a dangerous mind-set.

Removing the blanket to access any part of her body is no different to
interfering with her clothing. It is an invasion of her personal entity
that the twat did not have, or even seek, permission to make.
That is a personal violation.

Commencing the backrub whilst she was asleep and not even
able to object at the outset is not only fucking creepoid, it is rather pathetic.
It is the sort of thing some under-developed, or in twatfaces' case, arrested development,
adolescent would do in the hope they copped a feel before the victim manages to object...
It is also the action of a deluded idiot who thinks they have the right to lay
hands on someone, when they certainly do not. That mindset is also a dangerous one.
Creep's actions automatically indicate he feels he has the right to ignore
statements made to him in regard to where his hands do and do not belong.
That is ,again, dangerous. It is the exact same mindset that developes into some asshole
who pleads the lie that a woman said NO but he just knew she really meant YES.
Anyone thinking the guy was being ok, or,fucking kind, must have a problem
a) their own ego development.
b) their ethics.
c) personal standards in regard to their own personal privacy and rights
to their own body.
d) coping with being a bitter and damaged individual who has embibed deeply from the well
of (probably valid) female rejection, and formed some pretty warped views as a result.
a + b + c + d = f...
f= potential deluded idiot with sad, twatfaced,
creepoidal tendencies.(such people need to avoid Enumbers)

If anyone thinks those objecting to said sad twatfaced creepoids unsolicited backrubs
are facists, they need to check out a few definitions.
In assuming his wishes are paramount at the expense of the woman's stated wishes, and
persisting in enforcing that will without benefit of any mandate
twatfaced creepoid is in fact acting in a fascist manner.

If such a contact was made in the UK it would certainly have broken several laws
And...so it should.
And , hooray that it does. I don't like fucktard creepoid twatfaces. Prosecute the bastards.
I am amazed it doesn't in the states.

I would have thought it a bit obvious that the issue isn't really about a backrub is it.
'Backrubs' are like guns, or knives, or keyboards, in the wrong hands they are dangerous.
Now that isn't too hard to work out is it...
Mind you, maybe there are some who might believe someone who brandishes
a gun and tells them " its ok, won't hurt its only a banana"...
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one important thing i didn't say last night: his ex informed us that this isn't the first he'd done something weird like this. apparently he got himself banned from a massage parlor (or whatever you call them) for masturbating and touching masseuse.

a sad side note is that dude actually ha us believing he was a nice guy and a victim of his ex. she warned us that he wasn't quite with it, but we all just thought he was a quiet little guy who may have ben nervous and a little weird, but that was because he was going through a shitty divorce. it kinda makes me feel like a fucking retard to have believed in him.
killallhippies said:
one important thing i didn't say last night: his ex informed us that this isn't the first he'd done something weird like this. apparently he got himself banned from a massage parlor (or whatever you call them) for masturbating and touching masseuse.

a sad side note is that dude actually ha us believing he was a nice guy and a victim of his ex. she warned us that he wasn't quite with it, but we all just thought he was a quiet little guy who may have ben nervous and a little weird, but that was because he was going through a shitty divorce. it kinda makes me feel like a fucking retard to have believed in him.
You ARE a fucking retard. That's WHY you believed him.
killallhippies said:
one important thing i didn't say last night: his ex informed us that this isn't the first he'd done something weird like this. apparently he got himself banned from a massage parlor (or whatever you call them) for masturbating and touching masseuse.

a sad side note is that dude actually ha us believing he was a nice guy and a victim of his ex. she warned us that he wasn't quite with it, but we all just thought he was a quiet little guy who may have ben nervous and a little weird, but that was because he was going through a shitty divorce. it kinda makes me feel like a fucking retard to have believed in him.

I can only assume this was a massage parlour without the "happy ending"?

Meh, don't feel like a retard, feel like a FUCKING TWAT ;) I'm kidding, manipulative people can be convincing, don't let it get to you.
Trajal said:
I can only assume this was a massage parlour without the "happy ending"?

Meh, don't feel like a retard, feel like a FUCKING TWAT ;) I'm kidding, manipulative people can be convincing, don't let it get to you.

i mean yes. ugh, i'm still waking up.
killallhippies said:
i mean yes. ugh, i'm still waking up.

That's ok, i've been down the pub a few hours and now i'm on champagne!

A bit pissed, but having fun winding up "all american heroes" who have no clue on other threads.

I rock /flex