Holy Freak-Me-Out Alice!

Good graphics and such but I lost interest in it real quick. Good concept though.
Tranquility said:
DAMNNNNNNNNNNN how cool is this gonna be and I am not a big gamer LOL :nana:
They have a demo of it there too...i may have to try it

go to Alice.ea.com or click on the downloads tab to get it.

p.s. this was an 11meg file...they do have a shorter one for you 56kers...just go to downloads and you'll see
JerseyBoy said:
and when they do, it's usually at the wrong time :)

Exactly! Personally, I think Alice should whip out a glass dildo and hit the Queen over the head with it. I'd pay for that.
celiaKitten said:
Exactly! Personally, I think Alice should whip out a glass dildo and hit the Queen over the head with it. I'd pay for that.
hehe...I like this girl!
This game has been out for a while now. My exgf has it and it is pretty cool but needs a fairly high end machine to enjoy it.
was a fun game to play, the kids were watching me all the time and asking Mom can we play, please install it on our computer!!!!

They finally get some fun too!