Holder OK'd search warrant for Fox News

He'll find he did nothing wrong.

It is a high-tech partisan lynching at the hands of racists...
Don't expect the Junior Spacemen of the Obama Defense League to show up in this thread.
Anyone with an ounce of integrity would resign.

Integrity is one of those old-fashioned "Judeo-Christian" moral values so eschewed by the modern day Liberal. It represents standards which represent judgements and no proper Liberal is judgmental. They are merely mental...
They all lie under oath.

The only people who will report on it are FOX News...

The other media outlets marvel over how articulately they do it and not get caught.
They all lie under oath.

The only people who will report on it are FOX News...

The other media outlets marvel over how articulately they do it and not get caught.

They get caught. There just isn't a price to pay. It's the new normal.

Bizarro World. Up is down. Hot is cold. Wrong is right.
We need a special prosecutor, a select committee, for Benghazi and the attack on the First Amendment...liberals know how to do these things don't they?;)

This is the second time you've wanted a special prosecutor for no legal charge. Why do you want to pay a prosecutor taxpayer dollars to surf the internet all day?
Get lost comedian, it ain't working. The AG lied under oath. The AG is in contempt of Congress. The IRS lied under oath. Both violated the Constitution. The Obama administration is lying to the American people about policies that have killed Americans in Benghazi. The administration has conspired to suppress the vote of conservative Americans. The extent of how the administration operates outside the law needs a select committee and a special prosecutor. Liberals know how to do this.

You changed the subject. What charge should a special prosecutor pursue against Holder for the Fox News thing?
This is the second time you've wanted a special prosecutor for no legal charge. Why do you want to pay a prosecutor taxpayer dollars to surf the internet all day?

The cowardly Vettebigot no doubt fondly recalls the days of President Clinton's second term, when an out-of-control Special Prosecutor went on a fishing expedition that essentially hamstrung the Clinton administration.

Since the bigoted Vettecoward would rather see America fail than a "negar president" succeed, it's no surprise he's calling for a special prosecutor.
An investigation into his motivations for obstructing and lying to Congress.

Holder didn't lie to congress. Did he even speak to congress about this? We're talking about the Rosen thing still right?

An investigation into Holders possible violation of the First Amendment and the civil rights of James Rosen

There's no evidence Rosen's rights were violated. And you called for a special prosecutor which means there's already evidence. I agree that Holder hasn't given many details about the warrant or explained it very well but the fact is he doesn't have to until congress changes the law. Which congress does not want to do given that Republicans filibustered an attempt to change it. You're overreaching again.

in pursuing Obama's demonstrable ongoing vendetta against Fox News and the free press. We cannot allow the AG to investigate himself.

The fact that someone feels there's a vendetta isn't a charge, nor is it reason to investigate. Charges and investigations need to be based on facts.
Personally at the very least I think Holder should resign. I think a special council should investigate the IRS and those who conspired to suppress the conservative vote, those who obstructed congress, those who lied to congress, and those who directed the activity, should all go to jail. I think Congress should revisit the civil service laws and make sufficient changes that make it much easier to fire federal employees engaged in wrong doing. I think the scope, size, and authority, of the IRS should be radically reduced by congress.

I think a special counsel will be assigned to the IRS thing sooner than later.

But there's no conspiracy to suppress the conservative vote because the 501(c)4 Tea Party organizations weren't conservative political machines (right?).