Hillary Pulls it Out.


Fiel a Verdad
Dec 20, 2001
Wins NH, 39 to Obama's 37.

Any thoughts? Why better than Iowa. Some analysts say it was strong women's support, and working class backing. Obama's people tended to be more well to do.

She is certainly a viable candidate with a shot at the Presidency, if a bit right wing for my taste. I suppose the far-right slime machine will be revving up again, and its local rep., our sham libertarian, "send the ragheads to Guantanamo", fellow.

Thoughts. Did "the moment" help?

Is her "triangulation" on issues, a factor?

What are her 'core constituencies'? How will she do with Black voters?

NOTE: this thread is not meant to promote any particular Democratic candidate. all the frontrunners are worthy of being considered. Obama is certainly a candidate with 'class.'
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Wins NH, 39 to Obama's 37.

Any thoughts? Why better than Iowa. Some analysts say it was strong women's support, and working class backing. Obama's people tended to be more well to do.

She is certainly a viable candidate with a shot at the Presidency, if a bit right wing for my taste. I suppose the far-right slime machine will be revving up again, and its local rep., our sham libertarian, "send the ragheads to Guantanamo", fellow.

Thoughts. Did "the moment" help?

I wondered when you'd get a thread started. :rolleyes:

IMHO, "the moment" helped as did her more casual campaign style (such as more Q & A at meetings and with the press). It's my understanding NH women have a bit more education and money than their Iowa sisters. Once in the voting booth, it appears many of them couldn't bring themselves to vote against the first viable woman candidate for President.

Rumple Foreskin :cool:
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I was wondering what that popping sound was last night.

It was the heads of people, who refer to her as 'Hitlery', exploding as they realized she's still in the race. ;)
On the contrary, Rob. I was thinking she was a goner, and am delighted she's viable again.

Every night before I go to bed, I get on my knees beside my bed, and pray that Hillary gets elected President. America needs Hillary...like an enema using a firehose. Hillary will have everyone eating their veggies, exercising, and happy to enrich the insurance companies, with mandatory coverage for everyone. I wont be surprised if she abolishes cussing and fuck-books, too.

It will be like Lucy Ricardo running the country.
the insurance companies seem to prosper regardless of party! the fact is, an American health care system must be designed with the welfare of the insurance companies in mind, not simply the welfare of people. just as US energy policiy must be fashioned giving primacy to the interests of the oil multinationals.

Hillary's and Obama's plans take account of this reality, in the same way that Bush and co. have come up with their seniors' and drug plans.
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On the contrary, Rob. I was thinking she was a goner, and am delighted she's viable again.

Every night before I go to bed, I get on my knees beside my bed, and pray that Hillary gets elected President. America needs Hillary...like an enema using a firehose. Hillary will have everyone eating their veggies, exercising, and happy to enrich the insurance companies, with mandatory coverage for everyone. I wont be surprised if she abolishes cussing and fuck-books, too.

It will be like Lucy Ricardo running the country.

You scare me.
hey, even Huckabee will have us eating veggies, exercizing-- and calling on Jesus' name; these are ideas whose time has come. indeed B Clinton and GWB may have started the trends.
"The Moment"

I thought it was effective--but it was telescoped so hard that I'm completely flabbergasted that the TV commentators are talking about it as a "genuine human" moment. I don't know which is worse, them taking their listeners as fools--or their listeners biting on it.

She's doing badly in Iowa and the pundits tell her publically that she isn't being "human" and "genuine" enough.

And, poof, the day before the voting in New Hampshire, she has a "genuine human" moment.

Give to me a break.

I think it was a smart thing to do and that she should continue to do it, because her jaw has been too set for years (starting from when she'd have gotten the vote from me for taking a left jab at Bill's jaw).

But give to me a break.

What surprised me is that I sat with CNN in the background while I worked last night and I found myself pulling for Hillary to remain ahead in the primary. A feeling of cheering for the underdog, my mind telling me I have a preference at this point, weakness for the "genuine human" moment? I don't know. But I'll have to think about it.
This is what I've noticed since the Iowa Caucus -

Hilary is not longer a viable candidate. Obama is headed for the nomination and the next presdency. Even MSNBC are behind Obama in a kind of favoritism I've never seen before. (Fair, impartial and balanced? :eek:)

Then Hilary bombed everyone in New Hampshire and suddenly about half the media is behind her. How soon they forget their own words.

Bill Clinton didn't do any showing in the primaries and caucas's until after North Carolina. He saved his money and went for the big hit on February 5th when 22 states were up for grabs. And what happened?

This is a different kind of race, however, and that could not happen this time. As I see it, Hilary made a stratigic change in her campaign. She went from telling the gatherings what she was going to do and why the other candidates couldn't, to listening and fielding their questions directly.

Would that have worked in Iowa? Not unless she'd shown up in bib overalls, a straw hat and dirty boots, trying to act like one of them. New Hampshire is a different place. It's a state she could relate too.

I don't really care what happens in North Carolina next week. That's a meaningless race. But Michigan should be interesting. In that state all the candidates have to explain why the Auto Industry isn't in Michigan anymore and what the candidates are going to do to find jobs for the unemployed workers.

After Florida, I think, we will see who will get the nomination. There are too many delegates up for grabs in that state. Florida is well informed and very establishment minded. Can Obama survive in there without exposing that his real background is money, power and family wealth? To do that would alienate him from the poor working blacks he will have to face on Feb 5th in the rest of the Southern States, the Southwestern States and California.

There are things about Hilary I don't like. But if CHANGE is the watch word in this election, Hilary has said how she will go about making those changes. Obama screams change but seems to keep his plans secretive. I don't think he has a clue how to go about it.

Florida has no delegates. The DNC confiscated our delegates because we changed the date of the primary. NOW! That decision will explode in John Deans face at the convention, because the delegates will be uncommitted and loose cannons. If Hillary and Obama are nip & tuck in the delegate count there will be Hell to pay for Florida's delegates. OR if the delegates are excluded no one may have enough to claim victory. I figure the latter, in which case I'll be the official candidate and some here can count of spending 4 years in a concentration camp busting rocks.
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The "Change" thing is another thing I don't understand about the Clinton response.

Change back to the salad days of the Clinton administration where the domestic scene was booming and everything was (relatively) quiet on the international scene (neither of which were wholly because of anything the Clinton administration was actively doing, of course), seems like a knock-out punch to those who can't point to what their "change" means or how it realistically could be accomplished. When you subtract Monica, the Clinton administration was the rosiest period for the American citizen since before WWI. Some will say Reagan, but there was still a lot of garbage internationally during most of administration--that it got cleaned up then was more to the benefit of the administration that followed Bush the Greater's administration than to either the Reagan or Bush periods.
nice posting, jenny. good points. (i think you mean 'south carolina')
Wins NH, 39 to Obama's 37.

Any thoughts? Why better than Iowa. Some analysts say it was strong women's support, and working class backing.
Nope, neither of those. Unions. To be precise, union bosses. The union dons, er, bosses have declared her the annointed one, who will be most predictably reliable in carrying out their agenda. You know, eliminating free trade, repealing secret ballots in union elections, repealing new union finance disclosure reports instituted by the current administration, etc. Hey, it's business, not personal.
Salad Days as in Kosovo and Somalia and Sudan and the World Trade Center bombing (1993)? And who can forget the DOT.COM implosion. Add Waco to the list. The State Dept Security had Obama in their grasp and Clinton nixed the grab. USS COLE. The embassy bombing in Kenya.
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Salad Days as in Kosovo and Somalia and Sudan and the World Trade Center bombing (1993)? And who can forget the DOT.COM implosion. Add Waco to the list. The State Dept Security had Obama in their grasp and Clinton nixed the grab.

Yes, because I said I was commenting in terms of the effect on the American public. Sad to say, yes, but what you brought up were events that didn't phase the American public much at all or at least for very long (even if some of them should have). The closest to knocking the American public off its pins (other than the Monica episode and the resulting Constitutional-underpinnings threatening from that from both sides) during the Clinton presidency was the Oklahoma City bombing (which you don't have on your list), and even that faded a lot faster in the American mind than the Twin Towers and Iraq are going to do. (Iraq's going to linger just as long as Vietnam did--a headscratcher of a strategy with lots and lots of body bags coming home to the most remote of towns).

If you don't think you felt more comfy and high-flying in the Clinton years than you do now, I think you either aren't thinking too hard about it or are steeped in a sourness of ideology that won't permit you to be objective.
Nope, neither of those. Unions. To be precise, union bosses. The union dons, er, bosses have declared her the annointed one, who will be most predictably reliable in carrying out their agenda. You know, eliminating free trade, repealing secret ballots in union elections, repealing new union finance disclosure reports instituted by the current administration, etc. Hey, it's business, not personal.

The women's vote is tied to unions? (I don't think so.) The Wednesday quarterbacking is pointing to the anticipation/realized difference in the women's vote (projected 3% in Obama's favor; the realized 13% in Hillary's) as the key factor.

I don't really care what happens in North Carolina [sic] next week. That's a meaningless race. But Michigan should be interesting. In that state all the candidates have to explain why the Auto Industry isn't in Michigan anymore and what the candidates are going to do to find jobs for the unemployed workers.



Michigan will not be interesting (at least on the Democratic side) as Edwards and Obama are not on the ballot, and Hillary is not running ads or campaigning. This is because Michigan moved up its primary which the DNC is unhappy about. Hillary will win Michigan with 'Uncommitted' coming in second.
I dont blame Clinton for Timothy McVeigh's treachery (note that they executed McVeigh PDQ compared to most killers).

I'm no Bush apologist. He was never my choice.

I believe our current malaise is the result of political conspiracies in both parties to enrich the elites, geld the middle class, and destroy the bottom-feeders. NAFTA got the ball rolling and the PATRIOT ACT is just one more chapter in the plan to change America into a nation of docile sheep. Bush and Clinton play for the same team.
Hillary touches a resonant chord with the geezer gals. They pissed away the 60s stoned, then pissed away the 70s on the CB radio craze, discovered cocaine in the 80s, and now blame it all on the guys. Hillary is EVERY-WOMAN.
...the insurance companies seem to prosper regardless

That may be the biggest canard in existence. It is the mother of BIG LIES and red herrings. For god's sake, don't ever seek employment as a financial analyst. Take a look at the stock price of CNA over the last twenty-five years and tell me this is an insurance company that has prospered. Do you know what happened to Continental Insurance? Aetna? Connecticut General? INA? All of 'em have been destroyed.

The least you can do when you make ridiculous claims like that is to cite companies that you assert are prospering along with ten years of financial ratios that would support your position.

... just as US energy policiy must be fashioned giving primacy to the interests of the oil multinationals.

Who are the nine biggest energy companies (by reserves) in the world? Number 10, by the way, is ExxonMobil. You profess to be concerned about global warming and energy conservation. What effect do you think the Russian and Chinese policies of below market prices are having on their domestic consumption?

There we go, Jenny. And here I was complaining how you'd never insulted me! Do I get a t-shirt now or something? :cool:
Jenny will be the Porn Prohibition Czar in the Clinton administration. She knows who you are, and she knows where you hide it.