Groundswell Exposed

Well, you spoke earlier of Democrats. Mostly they are not "radical libs." See post #17. The "Progressive Democrats" and they alone would be your "radical libs." And they ain't that radical; they're social democrats, not socialists (except for Sanders, and even his self-ID as a socialist is iffy), let alone Communists.

King we are cordial and we mostly disagree on politics. I think we could hang out as long as we avoided politics. However I worry that you can't admit there are as many left wing nut jobs as right wing nut jobs. I don't try to make excuses for them or twist logic to make them seem to make sense.

There are right wing nut jobs and I want nothing to do with them.
King we are cordial and we mostly disagree on politics. I think we could hang out as long as we avoided politics. However I worry that you can't admit there are as many left wing nut jobs as right wing nut jobs. I don't try to make excuses for them or twist logic to make them seem to make sense.

There are right wing nut jobs and I want nothing to do with them.

Oh, sure there are LW nut jobs. I've known some. (They're more fun than Libertarians.) But in the Democratic Party they're not really involved. Maybe they vote Dem, maybe Green or Socialist, maybe not at all. Certainly they rarely run for office as Dems or anything else. Dennis Kucinich might be ubernerdy but he's no nut job. Not even Noam Chomsky is a nut job. And in today's America the RW nut jobs outnumber the LW at least two to one. Haven't you noticed?!
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Oh, sure there are LW nut jobs. I've known some. (They're more fun than Libertarians.) But in the Democratic Party they're not really involved. Maybe they vote Dem, maybe Green or Socialist, maybe not at all. Certainly they rarely run for office as Dems or anything else. Dennis Kucinich might be ubernerdy but he's no nut job. Not even Noam Chomsky is a nut job. And in today's America the RW nut jobs outnumber the LW at least two to one. Haven't you noticed?!

My friend, again we have to agree to disagree.
My friend, again we have to agree to disagree.

[shrug] If you'll be more specific I'll be glad to address your disagreements point by point. E.g., do you class Chomsky as a nut job? Sanders? Kucinich (good guy, I've met him; and his wife :D:rose::kiss::devil:)? The latter's "Department of Peace" idea sounds a little woo, I admit, but that's just a talking point, really. For that matter, I think even his vegetarianism is a little woo. But sometimes ya just gotta grab the edge of the Overton Window and tug!
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King we are cordial and we mostly disagree on politics. I think we could hang out as long as we avoided politics. However I worry that you can't admit there are as many left wing nut jobs as right wing nut jobs. I don't try to make excuses for them or twist logic to make them seem to make sense.

There are right wing nut jobs and I want nothing to do with them.

really? you wouldn't want to bitch slap that ignorant jackass?
Oh, sure there are LW nut jobs. I've known some. (They're more fun than Libertarians.) But in the Democratic Party they're not really involved. Maybe they vote Dem, maybe Green or Socialist, maybe not at all. Certainly they rarely run for office as Dems or anything else. Dennis Kucinich might be ubernerdy but he's no nut job. Not even Noam Chomsky is a nut job. And in today's America the RW nut jobs outnumber the LW at least two to one. Haven't you noticed?!

holly fuck batman, that is moronic! 90% of the people here are socialist fucktards
[shrug] If you'll be more specific I'll be glad to address your disagreements point by point. E.g., do you class Chomsky as a nut job? Sanders? Kucinich (good guy, I've met him; and his wife :D:rose::kiss::devil:)? The latter's "Department of Peace" idea sounds a little woo, I admit, but that's just a talking point, really. For that matter, I think even his vegetarianism is a little woo. But sometimes ya just gotta grab the edge of the Overton Window and tug!

If I got specific you wound want to split hairs and explain why they are
not nut jobs. I will toss my nut jobs over the side with no regrets.
If I got specific you wound want to split hairs and explain why they are
not nut jobs. I will toss my nut jobs over the side with no regrets.

No, you know you can't live with a comparison.
Believing they are losing the messaging war with progressives, a group of prominent conservatives in Washington—including the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and journalists from Breitbart News and the Washington Examiner—has been meeting privately since early this year to concoct talking points, coordinate messaging, and hatch plans for "a 30 front war seeking to fundamentally transform the nation," according to documents obtained by Mother Jones...

Good for them, though I fear its too little, too late. America is a lost cause. :(