Hey Merc - Obama got what he REALLY wanted


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
A bill passed sans spending cuts...

The Congressional Budget Office estimates it will add $4,000,000,000,000 to the national debt.

There simply is no excuse.
They're going to need more taxes!

The Fed is going to print more money!


Once again, those closest to the inflation. Big Democrat Wall Street, will benefit the most.

And merc will celebrate, party and wallow in his victory because everyone knows, Socialism is about shared sacrifice and 70+% of Americans will now be paying higher taxes and will in turn be told that they are selfish, greedy and not sacrificing enough for the least among us...
Just pay your taxes and shut the fuck up about it.

Well, at least pay your taxes.
I pay my taxes asshat...

I have the fucking right to complain, bitch and moan unlike 49% of America.

I'm convinced it is stupid. Even stoners are more lucid...
The markets seem to be happy this morning.

That should put a smile on you face. And the other 1%ers.
It's going to be a strange year.

On the way home from the new years gig, some guy in a Prius got aggressive with the Polara.

I let him go and hoped the cops were out looking for drunks.

He got away . . . . :(
Obama's crew is raking in the money...

When the inflation hits you, just remember, it is only a hidden tax to support the wealthy and part and parcel of YOUR Patriotic Economic Duty.
It's going to be a strange year.

On the way home from the new years gig, some guy in a Prius got aggressive with the Polara.

I let him go and hoped the cops were out looking for drunks.

He got away . . . . :(

And he gets his insurance on line, cutting out the middle-man, who used to be part of the middle-class and is now on disability and food stamps.

Part of the plan, man.

;) ;)

Hang your head Abe!

“If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”
Abraham Lincoln, 1838
I pay my taxes asshat...


Да камрад! Мы с вами!

You will get the Patriotic honor of paying even more so that you can have light rail to nowhere to go with your matching light loafers.

And welding classes make you an "intellectual."

The thrivin' ran out for the railroads a long time back.

Just an old fat whore left is all.

And she wants you to buy her a drink . . . .

You cannot be a Cornball Brother
and not share with Brother Obama!
I did not build my record...
The end of the fiscal-cliff impasse means a majority of federal taxpayers will see their current income-tax rates permanently extended. If you are an individual who makes $400,000 or less, or you’re a couple who jointly make $450,000 or less, your tax rates remain the same. The legislation also prevents the Alternative Minimum Tax from affecting many Americans, and it raises tax rates on capital gains and dividends. Other parts of the deal include a yearlong extension of federal unemployment benefits and a two-month delay of steep spending cuts scheduled to hit the Pentagon.

Welcome to your golden years, when you have turned all that sweat equity all that labor into investment Capital and then Obama hits you like a sock on the jaw as part of the "evil" rich...
