Hey Laurel....


Just a little Belle...
Feb 5, 2002
I'm working on something with someone else from here and we're thinking of submitting it. Is there a way of having it under both of our names without having to create a new user ID or having it submitted twice?

If anyone else has any idea, let me know pls.
Belilica said:
...Is there a way of having it under both of our names without having to create a new user ID or having it submitted twice?


Others have had this problem and had to resort to a new author name to give credit to both authors. The story database has only one space for the author's ID, so a story can't be linked to more than one author's page.
It's possible, sort of. I did a narration of someone else's story and she put in a link to the author's member page at the top.

It might work. You can try it. Put a little blurb about what you'd like to see at the top of the story to credit it to the other guy and include the full URL of his/her member page. She'll either do it for you or not.

Other than that, nope.
Thanks guys, I kinda thought it woulda been one of you if it hadn't been her:) I'll let him know.
Belilica said:
I'm working on something with someone else from here and we're thinking of submitting it. Is there a way of having it under both of our names without having to create a new user ID or having it submitted twice?

If anyone else has any idea, let me know pls.

You writing the Odyssey?

That your REAL name?

You sound as obsessed as Dixon. It's art. It's not meant to be permanent or long-lasting. That's monuments and mantras...
Belilica said:
I'm working on something with someone else from here and we're thinking of submitting it. Is there a way of having it under both of our names without having to create a new user ID or having it submitted twice?

If anyone else has any idea, let me know pls.

Small hijack, I love that AV! :D :p
Submit it twice.

Accuse each other of plagarism.


make sure you put links in your sigline...

PM me for other great tactics like 1'ing each other's story...

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Re: Re: Hey Laurel....

SINthysist said:
You writing the Odyssey?

That your REAL name?

You sound as obsessed as Dixon. It's art. It's not meant to be permanent or long-lasting. That's monuments and mantras...

No, not obsessed... and yes it is art. I think it was a valid question.
Let me hear you Belilica ringin' out
come and keep your comrade warm...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Laurel....

bknight2602 said:
Did you do it yourself, or get it somewhere?
I got the pic (my ex picked it as the one which best represented me) and someone on here animated it.
A rose, by any other name,
would smell, as sweet...

Sir Francis Bacon


:nana: :nana: :nana:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Laurel....

Belilica said:
I got the pic (my ex picked it as the one which best represented me) and someone on here animated it.

How civilized and friendly!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Laurel....

Belilica said:
I got the pic (my ex picked it as the one which best represented me) and someone on here animated it.

Cool! To have friends that help.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Laurel....

bknight2602 said:
Cool! To have friends that help.

He was a great friend, one of my first friends here on the BB. He isn't really online much anymore, which is too bad. Great guy.