Have you ever_____?

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No. My family is crazy, but a normalish crazy. :)

HYE stopped speaking to a family member?

My oldest brother and I don't talk. It's not like we're mad at each other or anything. We just have so little in common since our parents died, that neither of us makes the effort to stay in otuch.

HYE walked to work?
Did it a lot a couple of years back.

HYE been surprised by a partners fetish?

Dill pickles, Vanilla ice cream & milk. In a pint glass.
Dated a woman that couldn't get enough of that, she got tired of people asking her if she was pregnant.

HYE attached a "read receipt" on a PM?
Yes. I had a FWB who would only fuck on the hood of a car in a parking lot. Fortunately it was OK to do it after dark

Have You Ever screwed in a hospital?
No! I kicked her ass. All 3 punches!

HYE been in a drunken brawl?

Yes... he walked by and grabbed my crotch. I took offense, so as he passed, I jumped on his back, wrapped my legs around his waist and one arm around his neck and punched him repeatedly with the other...I broke his nose. :eek: Ah, the exuberance of youth.

He said he wanted to press charges... the cop laughed and asked him if he really wanted to admit to all his friends and in open court that he'd been beaten up by a little girl.

HYE been arrested for fighting.

Personal speed record, less then 10 minutes. Probably never happen to me again that way, LOL.

HYE just simply told someone you were going home with them and you were going to have sex with them?

Personal speed record, less then 10 minutes. Probably never happen to me again that way, LOL.

HYE just simply told someone you were going home with them and you were going to have sex with them?

No... not that brave ever

HYE been a groupie?
LOL - no, however there are performers for whom I would give it serious consideration.

HYE "partied with the band"?
LOL - no, however there are performers for whom I would give it serious consideration.

HYE "partied with the band"?

Yes... :eek: (I wasn't a groupie because I was actually friends with them in their everyday real life...)

HYE felt someone really needed a swift kick in the ass?
Yes... :eek: (I wasn't a groupie because I was actually friends with them in their everyday real life...)

HYE felt someone really needed a swift kick in the ass?

oh my yes, and I'm not afraid to give it.

HYE gotten that swift kick in the ass?
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