Have comfortable are you with your fetishes?

I stopped worrying about labels a long time ago, but I do keep my kinks/fetishes private, as I have no time for others who have nothing better to do than judge others. So yes, I’m very comfortable.
Would never have got with my wife in the first place if she hadn’t overreached in what according to her, was going to be last ditch attempt to seduce me, and stumbled into my Achilles heel of a fetish which is humiliation. Still have very mixed feelings about that.
After being together for six months or so tried to introduce my other major fetish that I had picked up from my only previous relationship all (32 hours of it), bondage into our sex life which she decided was her thing.
Also learnt from my first relationship that I don’t find S and M sexy beyond a lightly spanked bum, I like domination play just not very good at it.
Yes I’m embarrassed by my fetish’s, I’m also embarrassed by never finding the right partner to explore them properly, and the fact I’m still finding myself feeling horny now thinking about them.
Everyone has particular things that turn them on, but I wonder if people would be comfortable knowing their dirty little secrets.

My partner is obsessed with hairy women, so when he asked me 7 years ago to stop shaving ....... let me just say that a country woman in her then late 40's surviving on rain water tanks in drought conditions - I didn't hesitate.

I had already succumbed to his other fetish of natural odour (no deodorant) so to me this wasn't a biggie.

After not shaving or trimming for this amount of time I will say there's a very free feeling about it. I'm not sexually aroused by my body hair, nor do I really care what people think about me or my looks.

This is where the issue is. My partner is terrified of others knowing about his fetish. I refuse to cover up in public, my body hair is blonde so it's not particularly noticeable until up close. We spend most of our life on the farm, but I do travel reasonably often and he works in the music industry, so although we're often apart, he freaks at the thought of family or friend get togethers.

He wants me to wear jeans in the middle of summer, or not take my t-shirt off if we go to the beach.

So my ultimatum is that either he shuts up and lets me be me ..... or the razor is coming out for good!

How comfortable would you be if other people knew your sexual obsessions?
I don't know if this counts but I've wanted a girl to use a strap on with me for years lol
My wife also doesn't shave or otherwise depilate. I feel about it like she does about my lingerie fetish (although being hairy isn't her fetish, she just doesn't care about what's "expected") - it neither turns me on or off, it's just part of who she is so it's lovable. In the interest of science I have tried wanking myself off into her armpit to see if it gave me a powerful erotic charge, but it wasn't really any different to anywhere else)

I'm very happy with others knowing my proclivities as long as it's within a context where sex is being discussed (so not family, they don't need or want to know I'm a crossdresser, or workmates or social acquaintances). But close friends or online folk, no problem.
I think it's a bizarre aspect of humanity that preferring natural bodies over altered bodies (shaving, fake boobs, piercings, tattoos etc.) is now considered a fetish. I know it's really just a fashion trend, but I fear I won't live long enough to see the trend reverse to where it was about half a century ago when human hair was appreciated wherever it grew, especially around the genitals.

I am happy though to have lived to see bloomer-style shorts go out of fashion. It was tough there for years to find shorts below the knees for sale.
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While i am enjoying them I am quite comfortable with them.
I am getting better.

In real life, I write non-erotic mainstream published novels, and it is inevitable when you write, that part of you is exposed in some small ways. Having written so many now, anyone who reads all of them will certainly know some truths about what I like. And keep in mind there are 80 year olds in book clubs that read my novels. Yikes

My latest book was done to challenge me; a Fem Fetale, and far different then the novels done thus far. And its words are just zipping onto the page, and hardly has been a challenge at all! It has been really nice to not be held back with my wordsmithing.
Mine are pretty tame, so I guess I’m fine if people know. I love an aggressive woman and I like when she roughs up my balls. So, a bit of a sub, but I can assume the dom role too.