Has the "Beer vs. Man" conundrum made you reconsider your writings?


The Dude Abides
Mar 28, 2023
When asked whether they would rather encounter a beer in the woods or a random man in the woods, most respondents (women and men), chose the beer.

I am embarrassed and disappointed to acknowledge that if I was making this choice for my wife or daughter, I would also rather they encounter the beer.

This almost universal lack of trust and fear of the human male is something that I am going to have to consider in some of the stories I am brainstorming.

What say you?
Going into the woods in the hopes of encountering a random man...ah, takes me back to my youth. All the better if they were also a bear.

Encountering random beer in the woods? Sounds like a trap. Stoop to pick up a six-pack of Heineken and suddenly your lifted ten food in the air in a massive net. Hopefull, whoever lets us down falls into the random manbear category mentioned earlier.
I think the bear vs. man discussion is largely unhelpful, as it has been hijacked by trolls, turned into a joke by misogynists all over social media, and generally lends itself towards black-and-white thinking. If you are using it as a first-lesson type thing for someone who doesn't know anything about the world or the dangers women face, then maybe it works. But otherwise it's too simplistic.
I think the bear vs. man discussion is largely unhelpful, as it has been hijacked by trolls, turned into a joke by misogynists all over social media, and generally lends itself towards black-and-white thinking. If you are using it as a first-lesson type thing for someone who doesn't know anything about the world or the dangers women face, then maybe it works. But otherwise it's too simplistic.
Given how the title of this thread is worded, compared with the original "Bear vs. Man" thread, I'm pretty sure the OP didn't mean for it to be taken seriously.
I can't believe it's going around the buoy twice in such a short time, to be honest. It didn't end well the last time, let's not have a repeat. If this go around is meant as a joke, it's not particularly funny.
I hate beer as much as I hate most men.

Only time I can drink one is if I'm so wasted I'm at the point I'm not tasting anything.

Tastes like carbonated piss and is the preferred drink of the male meathead.

As for writing, it doesn't affect me because I rarely write that type of 'man' in my smut, and in my other work they're always the villain.

This is why I'm constantly told my male characters are simps cucks and wimps, because they act like decent guys and not the Loving wives readers.
It's a bit of a trick question, though. If I were to encounter a lone beer in the forest - chilled beer, condensation on the glass - then I would be pretty sure there was a man around that I couldn't see.
Okay, now I'm thinking Goldilocks and the three beers. This one is too bitter, this one is too...
One fundamental issue with those who vehemently oppose men is that many of these men were poorly raised by women. Good mothers raise good men, and vice versa—a classic chicken-and-egg argument.
When asked whether they would rather encounter a beer in the woods or a random man in the woods, most respondents (women and men), chose the beer.
I don't know about a random man, but here's why I would prefer a beer over a random woman in the woods
  • You can enjoy a beer all month long.
  • Your beer will always wait patiently in the car while you play hockey
  • A beer doesn’t get jealous when you grab another beer
  • Beer labels come off without a fight.
  • A beer won’t get upset if you come home with another beer
  • If you pour a beer right, you’ll always get good head
  • A beer always goes down easy
  • You can have more than one beer in a night, and not feel guilty
  • You can share a beer with your friends
  • You always know when you’re the first one to pop open a beer
  • Beer is always wet
  • A frigid beer is a good beer
  • No matter what the package, a beer still looks good
  • It’s okay to leave a party with a different beer than you arrived with
  • You can put all your old beers in one room, and they won’t fight
How cold is the beer?

I'll take a cold beer over a cold man, but I might rather meet a warm man in the woods than a warm beer, especially if it's been sitting out in the sun. I have lots of experience meeting nice people in the woods, but I can't say I've encountered a beer.