Happy Incest Day everyone!

Why didn't he get her on Incest Day last year, or earlier? Instead, the sibs fondle each other and say, "Yah, it's that day again! Don't let us get into the airplane bathroom at the same time. There'll be a line, of course." Meanwhile, other kinfolks are slipping in and out of airport lavatories. Air scrubbers work overtime to kill the scent of sex.

"Lets do it again!" works, works well.

There are several explanations for why this is the first time they made the trip for incest day: One of them is an 18 year old virgin. One just got the set to tell the other what they wanted to do. One tricked the other into coming, revealing what is going on and rules on the plane after it was too late to go back, turns out the other is willing and happy to go along.

Could me mother son, father daughter, sister and alien tentacle monster half brother whose father is from the planet Sisfuka, and this is the only time that he can openly do what is traditional on his home planet all the time.
The upside to National Incest Day: many moms and grandmoms are enticed into MILF- and GILF-hood by the prospect of being fucked by their kids, grandkids, nephews-nieces, toned sibs, etc. Gym business booms year-round. Everyone's attuned to that approved day of mother-fucking, father-sucking, sibling-slurping, aunt-and-uncle doing, etc, but only with the physically attractive. Fat uncles-dads-bros ain't turn-ons. Use that Gymaster!
Lol, true.

Maybe that could be the plot of a story: guy sort of sat on his ass through high school. When he gets to be 18, he sees his mom, sister, grandma, etc. checking out his other cousins (or maybe he was born on incest day so he sees mom sneak upstairs with his male relatives after his birthday party) and starts to think that if he does get to be with one of them it might be more out of pity than actual attraction.

So he aims to change his life around. He busts ass at the gym, gets a part time job so he can afford better clothes, and overall sharpens up his hygiene and social skills.

Mom and other female relatives take notice and mom compliments him on all of his hard work but asks why he made such a change. He tells her and while she tries to deny that he wasn't all that attractive before him taking his shirt off makes her heart skip a beat.

Could end a few ways:

Incest day comes, female relatives are waiting for their newly hot cousin, nephew, son, grandson to ask them out...only to receive a call from him apologizing. Turns out the nerdy formerly BBW friend he's had most of his life was doing the same thing as him, worried her male relatives weren't interested. They struck up a conversation, went on a date and they have a lot of other things in common so they're going to have a no-cest day today instead.

2. Mom can't help herself and seduces son before Incest day (if it's legal year round the scandal is more that they didn't wait for incest day for his first time or that while legal, it's still a faux paus). If it is illegal outside of incest day, mom is caught by sister and after seeing brother in action offers to help his "training" by joining in. By the time it rolls around, bro is a sex God and his relatives, while suspicious, are too busy fucking their brains out with him.

3. a few weeks before the day arrives, relatives of both sexes are out of control. Female relatives are fighting over who gets to take son's incest cherry and are trying to get their male relatives to agree to threesomes. Male relatives meanwhile feel a bit threatened and try to get him to go back to his old ways. Seeing his family get so messed up over this, guy lets his hygiene slip and goes back to his old lifestyle. Family sees how miserable he is and sees that they've moved away from what the day is supposed to be about. Son gets called downstairs and instead of couples getting paired out, a massive orgy is occurring. Happy, son joins in and plows every female member of his family.
Sonny, sis, mom, and auntie Anna all look forward to The Day and work out together at the local gym. Can they wait that long? Do they get in some early tasting? Does uncle Donald sneak in?
I think it would work best as an anthology. With multiple authors writing stories set in the same world. First chapter could introduce the world in a short blunt way:

For example, husband sees wife sneak into son's room and watches her try to wake him up with a blowjob. Scene looks like it's going to either lead to a voyeur scene or a confrontation but instead has mom and dad whisper "happy incest/family day" and dad walks into living room to see his visiting sister sprawled out on the couch in a revealing outfit. Dad slides in and gently caresses her, slowly waking her up.

She wakes up and grins at her honey brother. As they make love, the tv pops on with the news, which gives a brief history of the holiday and has a montage of family members around the nation kissing and holding each other in ways family members really shouldn't.
I think it would work best as an anthology. With multiple authors writing stories set in the same world. First chapter could introduce the world in a short blunt way:
I like it. I will throw in a story if someone stamps out that first one.

If we do this, few questions:

1. Present or future? How far into the future?

2. Are we starting with the first annual Incest Day, or does the story start out with #3 or 4. Personally I thing the latter would be better. It makes for less tension, and if we want a prequel, it can be done.

3. Will we do "dibs" on scenarios or anyone involved just write what they want, and what flows is what flows. Again, I would go with the latter, that way Hypoxia and I can both run with the alien half brother tentacle monster living in secret on this world. I'm pretty sure he could do a better job with it than I could. :D
I don't think it should be the first one. It could be modern day just an alternate history.

Maybe it started during WWII. Mother's daughter's and sisters watching the men in their lives going off to war began draft parties. Officially to say goodbye but unofficially so they could make sure their boys didn't die as virgins. Of course not everybody got drafted, got to go away, or died, so they came back wanting to renew some of their taboo affairs. While there was pushback, several Medal of Honor recipients and a score of wartime celebrities came out in favor of allowing the practice to be legalized as long as it was between consenting adults.

During the Vietnam war, the age of participation was allowed to go back to 18 and voting was changed as well. However, the free love movement at the time and several scandals made open incestous relationships unpopular. Still legal, it went back to being a behind closed doors act.

In the mid-seventies the death of one of the main supporters of the legalization of incest caused the topic to be brought up again. Wanting to increase revenue, greeting card companies create "Family Bonding day." The nation slowly comes to accept a set day for observance of open incestous expressions of affection among consenting adults.

During the 80s, a number of comedies, including John Hughes' classic coming of age: "No one better" about a young woman who falls for her uncle on Family Bonding Day, popularize the holiday.

The 90s begin a wave of acceptance for the holiday especially with musical acts looking to get a profitable hit.

By the 2000s growing fears make the holiday even more popular and there is even some acceptance of ongoing relationships outside of the holiday.

The 2010s start to see a massive growth in acceptance for LGBTQ incestous pairings, allowing more open participation and diversity in the proceedings.

...which is where our stories start with Incest day 2017 about to begin.
I like it. I'm in. Who is going to write the base story?
Now is your chance!

Another take: An undiscovered remote Pacific island culture follows a mutant Hawai'ian-type kinship pattern. Life is communal. Parents are not distinguished. All older generation are called 'aunty' and 'uncle'; all younger generation are 'cousin'; all fuck anyone else; nobody really knows or cares who is parent, child, sibling, whatever.

Meanwhile, the civilized world has recognized International Incest Day. 'Civilized' explorers discover the remote island. The colonial power introduces 'civilized' customs, including the Incest Day celebration -- which makes no sense to the 'natives'. How can they fuck parents or siblings if they don't know who they are?
Now is your chance!
With the writer's block I am dealing with? not a chance.

In the last three months I may have gotten 5 paragraphs in on the 4 stories I have in queue.

I did get an idea, write it, read back over it, HATE it, and delete it all within a week. Probably not too bad but it was incest/ non-con. Usually the readers in either section don't like the other, and I don't care for non-con, too much SSC drilled in my head in the BDSM world.
Nice plot! My twist would be...

Incest Day in a progressive country while a vacationing American mother/son who are there on vacation. Strict religious family.

Using Carnevil9's twist, have it legal for only one day, but the event sets in motion a blossoming romance between mother and son.

Mejau71, your idea is really good. Hope you write it. Since you're also an author and I have read your stories, they are superb.
How about a society where instead of an incest day, by law anybody kissing a relative at the stroke of midnight on New Years must have sex with them (unprotected, potentially impregnating sex of course). PLUS the rule is that at midnight you need to kiss the one that you are with, or no sex at all in the upcoming year...
How about a society where instead of an incest day, by law anybody kissing a relative at the stroke of midnight on New Years must have sex with them (unprotected, potentially impregnating sex of course). PLUS the rule is that at midnight you need to kiss the one that you are with, or no sex at all in the upcoming year...
Isn't that Arkansas?

(Old joke: If an Arkansas couple divorces, are they still brother and sister?)