Happy endings????


Looking for???
Feb 25, 2001
I read somewhere that back in the days when computers were young someone had the bright idea to get one to write *Westerns*.

Didn't work too well.The white-hat(hero) lost the shoot-out with
the black-hat(baddie) 50% of the time.:D
I love it when bad guys win... it's no fun at all... the VAST majority of movies, the good guys win... so you KNOW it's not going to be that good
I'm not a guy, but your AV scares me!

That just proves what crappy pieces of shit computers can be!
Happy endings are best saved for romance novels and faerie tales, because those stories are unrealistic anyway. We all like them, we all would love for them to be true. But, the sad fact is, we all relate better to a really good villan. There is no calvary that will charge in and save you. There are no real white hatted good guys...if they do have on white hats they are tinged a shade of gray...

I don't know. I've been in the dark too long
Rhys said:
Happy endings are best saved for romance novels and faerie tales, because those stories are unrealistic anyway. We all like them, we all would love for them to be true. But, the sad fact is, we all relate better to a really good villan. There is no calvary that will charge in and save you. There are no real white hatted good guys...if they do have on white hats they are tinged a shade of gray...

I don't know. I've been in the dark too long
