Hanns...get in here.


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
....or Sin, or AJ, or whomever you are answering to right this second...
I've been reading your last few posts and I have a few things to set you straight on.
First, your constant attention on me is flattering, thanks for noticing me.;)
Second, in no way have you chased me off, or will you ever. What you have done is offended me to the core, but I'm a big girl and I can shrug you off. When one considers the source...well....*shrug*
Also, you made me wake up to the reality of just how cruel people can be. I didn't really need that lesson again, but I got it, huh?;)
I came here thinking I would blend in with all the other people that post pics of themselves, and just wanted to experience something that I've never known, I'm curious that way. But what I got back from it is somethig that is beautiful. I gained confidence, an appreciation of myself physically, and a self expression that was very profound for me in that it was a release. I made friends, and I had a blast with it. These are things that no matter what, you will never strip me of.

I removed my pic link and will let my thread die because you hit a chord with me that so many other people have tried to, and I just wasn't ready yet to give into the reality of just what it is I've been doing. I don't regret my pics, I truly enjoyed this experience. But in the end, my naked body should not be on the internet, and you proved to me WHY. I am far too trusting, and thought no one would wish to abuse someone like me, and hurt me when all I was doing was sharing myself freely, in a tasteful manner that never gave me a moments pause.
I'm proud of myself for even attempting to overcome all the things that I did to ever post anything of myself as I did. You will never destroy that, so no hanns....you did not win. You simply gave me a push in the right direction. Though you sickened me, because the reality is if there is one critter like you on earth, theres countless others just like you....I managed to get past that, turn off my emotions, and do the right thing for me. The pics are gone, and I am NOT. Deal with it.

I know you're not done with me, but I am most certainly done with you.
I admire you intrigued. I admire you because you did show us how beautiful you are. You did somting I could never do, and despite Hanns' ridecule, you proved you are stronger than his shallow personality. I hope to hear from you more on Lit, and your poetry is beautiful.

I admire you:rose:
AJ is SIN, and he seems to be a fan of Hanns, but Hanns was a troll before he ever came to Lit.
Indigo.Rose said:
I coulda sworn some one told me you were sin, RH

SIN/AJ keeps alternating between saying that he invented me and saying that he IS me. It's a joke of his.
intrigued i wouldn't let hann's effect what you decide to do on the internet or any posts you make in anyway at all

hann's is just fed up that people have got bored with him so he's going to start going after different people and see if he can get a reaction out of them ... i think i showed how to beat him you don't even have to put him on ignore ... just don't let yourself have a reaction to him
I think that your pictures were erotic and you're a wonderful subject. I admire that you took them then placed them for others to see, I wish I were so brave.

It's a shame when people feel the need to be mean and nasty to others in order to make themselves feel better. To myself, the only thing he accomplished by posting that picture of you last night, was to reaffirm what a lovely lady you are.
I just couldn't pass this by without adding my thoughts, intrigued. Please don't allow Hanns or anyone else discourage you from sharing yourself with people who care about you. You have to realize that you're a truly beautiful person both inside and out and that no one can take that from you with harsh words or judgements. Anyone who tries is only revealing how ugly and corrupt they are. ~hugs to intrigued~
intrigued said:
But in the end, my naked body should not be on the internet, and you proved to me WHY. I am far too trusting, and thought no one would wish to abuse someone like me, and hurt me when all I was doing was sharing myself freely, in a tasteful manner that never gave me a moments pause.

So you're saying you shouldnt post pics because you're too trusting? And you're going to stop doing it because of some freak with nothing better to do than try and offend everybody?

Stopping means he has won, i think. Peronsally I wouldnt have been exposed to your beauty without Hanns, so hes done one good thing in his life
Thanks everyone....very much. I appreciate you taking the time...

I am not "letting" him do anything to me, I made the choice. I really don't want to say any more than that.

Pammy, dear...you said something very important when you said to not let him stop me from sharing myself with people that care for me. See...this is the internet, and no one gives a damn about me, much less cares for me. I never meant to give away my feelings to strangers, that was never what it was about, though in the end, I did so with a few. I do not regret it because you just never know what effect you are having on someone sitting on the other side of a computer. I've been that person, and nothing but good came from it....I can only hope I've had a positive effect somewhere along the way.

All in all, things are now as they should be.

Its wonderful to hear from you!:kiss:
Even though it's the 'net, people do care for you--sometimes more than you realize. I have a feeling that you've touched more than a few people's lives here, and that you enter their thoughts as more than just a name on a screen. Don't sell yourself short, chica.:rose:
intrigued said:
See...this is the internet, and no one gives a damn about me, much less cares for me.

...I can only hope I've had a positive effect somewhere along the way.

When I read the first part I was thinking this is where we have our first big arguement. But the second part shows that you understand that you indeed have had a positive effect. People do adore you and if one doesn't what does that really matter? It happens in RL and on the net, some will like you and some won't, some instill trust some don't. I read something recently that basically said that life is a risk but the benefits you gain are worth jumping in and living.

I know you already believe this.
the thing you have to remember is the only truth being pointed out around here is how pathetic hanns is.

wonder if you guys realise hanns is a she.
glamorilla said:
gay super powers.

Damn, I love the images that conjures....and you may be right glam--Hanns is certainly vicious and jealous enough to be female...hmmmmm
And I thought you only got Gaydar.

Why can't heteros get any of those cool powers?
Hanns_Schmidt said:
First off..I always win.

if I have MADE you take your site down...then I WIN

Hmm. Somebody pulled the pic you posted. That means you're the bitch. You didn't win Hanns, you're tied. You bitch-wuss.
intrigued said:
I removed my pic link and will let my thread die ....
.... my naked body should not be on the internet....

Dear [Peronsal information removed],
does that mean you want me to delete all your pics I've filed ?