Gypsy's Caravan

Did no one else get told growing up to know what you wanted before you opened the refrigerator door?

Because an old cookbook that looks pristine is an old cookbook that's never been used

I :heart: reading in the tub, even though I have resigned myself to the fact that any book taken into the bathtub is not going to survive the experience

Not sure if cosplay or got caught naked in a laundromat and had to use fabric softener sheets and clothes from the lost and found to cover herself

Why it's never a good idea to hold superhero tryouts the same day that the Easter Bunny is looking for an assistant

Would you really need a wrench that big to work on that truck? (For those inclined to post an answer to this question, let me state that the question is rhetorical in nature and was posed strictly for the sake of humor)

Christina Ricci, who played Wednesday Addams more than twenty years ago, posing as Morticia Addams, the matriarch of the family

Yeah, it's weird. But really, maybe the one catgirl should get her own ball of yarn, and leave the other catgirl's yarn alone.

The look you get when you don't want to talk to the weird guy at the party but he won't leave you alone

Your reaction at yourself when you learn that fixing a problem that you thought was going to take an hour's worth of following complicated instructions over the phone only required pushing two keys simultaneously