Googling people


...a curious sort
Mar 11, 2002
Quick question for you google freaks out there.

A few months ago...someone was posting about how they "Google" their own names and names of friends and family, etc.

I just tried it...and it's not working for me. Do you use advanced search? Web? Directory?

'splain to me. I'm not grasping this.

<scratching my head>

You'll only find "hits" if whatever you enter as the search criteria are posted somplace out on the net. You can try your name, e-mail addy, home address, telephone number, etc.. If you're "a nobody" it just means that no one has ever posted any of that info anywhere on the net that has been searched - not everyone gets pages of results. Most people don't get much, if anything at all.
Being a "nobody" has it's distinct advantages. heh.

Thanks, guys. ;)
Also, when searching names, put the name in quotes. If it's a common name, add the city (which may or may not help).

For example: "John Smith" Cincinnati <---entered just like that will bring up all instances of John Smith and Cincinnati in the same document.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Absolutely. Some day I hope to be a nobody...

You'll always be a "somebody" to me. heh.

Or...if not a "somebody", a "hot body" at the very least. :p
i have one of those very formal sounding names with a middle name that's also a last name and i'm a fifth. so i did a google search without the fifth on the end and damned if it didn't come up with my great grandfather who's main claim to fame was being the author of a very small, very obscure latin textbook. kinda freaked me out that something that unknown would be on the webb.
a guy in my house searched for my name, and of the 6 links that came up, two were my uni website and three were the Lit member pages :D one was irrelevant :D

thats how eh found me at lit :D
Vilac said:
Quick question for you google freaks out there.

A few months ago...someone was posting about how they "Google" their own names and names of friends and family, etc.

I just tried it...and it's not working for me. Do you use advanced search? Web? Directory?

'splain to me. I'm not grasping this.

<scratching my head>


I tried it and found I was listed quite a few times under my Lit name and my Net name...

Ah...fame for 15 minutes...


Have done my name in quotes without the city or middle initial, and got a pile of hits. My name isn't that common, but happens to be the same as a state politian, and prominent a real estate investor, and a big-time lawyer on the rise. It also happens to be the name of a ship which made a 19th century cruise to Australia.

Interestingly, is showed up several times in class rosters with a comma in between, with my first name being the surname of one student, and the next having my last name as their first name. I thought that was different.