Good Morning! busybody... Death to Free Speech! Allahu Akbar!


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Blurred Image: How Even Free Speech's Defenders Must Defer to Islam
Andrew E. Harrod, American Thinker
March 24, 2013

On March 19, 2013, in Washington, D.C., the Heritage Foundation screened the new film: Silent Conquest: The End of Freedom of Expression in the West. A panel discussion by four of the film's participants, namely Center for Security Policy (CSP) founder Frank Gaffney, the Heritage Foundation's Steven Groves, Free Press Society president Lars Hedegaard, and Vigilance, Inc.'s Deborah Weiss, followed the film. Silent Conquest's otherwise well-documented and stirring defense of intellectual freedom, however, shocked the four panelists and many audience viewers with one cinematic bow to Islamic sensitivities. The incident provoked the question of how bad the situation for free speech concerning Islam has become if even freedom's defenders cannot engage in its forthright validation.

Silent Conquest documents multiple examples of militant Muslims using various legal means both domestically and internationally to suppress criticism and condemnation of Islam. Appearing along with four panelists in the film are a veritable who's-who of militant Islam's opponents in the last years, including Caroline Cox, Nonie Darwish, Mark Durie, Brigitte Gabriel, John Guandolo, Pamela Geller, Lars Hedegaard, Daniel Huff, Zuhdi Jasser, Charles Jacobs, Erza Levant, Clare Lopez, Malcolm Pearson, Daniel Pipes, Fleming Rose, Mark Steyn, Lars Vilks, Allen West, Kurt Westergaard, Geert Wilders, and Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff. The numerous incidents of speech under assault from defenders of Islam profiled in the film include Pope Benedict XVI's September 12, 2006 Regensburg address, the South Park Muhammad controversy, and the going into hiding of cartoonist Molly Norris in the face of death threats.

As Groves stated before the screening, Silent Conquest analyzes a "creeping type of censorship" and shows for those who say, "Oh, that can't happen here" that "it can." The Canadian political commentator Steyn in the film similarly speaks of a "soft jihad ... chipping away" at Western freedoms that is "at least as devastating as taking out the Twin Towers." The end-goal of this jihad described by Islam scholar Pipes is to implement traditional Muslim prohibitions against apostasy and blasphemy in free societies. Pipes speaks hereby of the "Rushdie Rules," named after the first notable victim of often violent international Islamic censorship efforts, Salman Rushdie. This "tyranny of silence" described by the Danish editor Rose appears to the Syrian-American Muslim political activist Jasser as the "beginning of the end of Western Civilization."

One focus of the film are the various "hate speech" laws throughout Europe, such as Section 266b, under which the Danish journalist Hedegaard faced prosecution for his comments about rape in Muslim societies. Under many of these laws, mere offense to a given group such as Muslims satisfies a legal charge, irrespective of a statement's truth. Thus, the film Fitna, produced by the Dutch politician Wilders, earned him prosecution, even though the American political activist Geller describes this film as "Islam for dummies." As the former United States Army colonel and congressman West rightfully observes, such illogic ignores the fact that "truth cannot be hate speech." As Canadian journalist Levant states, such treatment of speech upholds a "counterfeit human right not to be offended," in particular by what Jasser describes as a "so-called Islamophobia."

Additionally, deference toward Islam has extended beyond laws regulating private individuals to public policy formulation. Gaffney in the film discusses how the American government went from freely discussing terms such as "Islam" and "jihad" in the report on the September 11, 2001 attacks to excising these terms completely in the report on the November 5, 2009 Fort Hood shootings. Gaffney's CSP colleague Lopez, who was present at the screening, notes in the film that such words "are outlawed." Instead of overseeing any critical inquiry into Islam, President Barack Obama in his "infamous" June 4, 2009, Cairo address declared that he would "consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear," a duty not found by Lopez in the Constitution.
no one cares

even the new Sec of Labor said


and SHARIA could be the LAW OF THE LAND


Did I miss any PHOBES:rolleyes:
"In Germany, they first came for the communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics. I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up."
Martin Niemöller
Reverend Niemöller spent time in one of the concentration camps (1938-45).

The only people speaking up will be shouting: Idbah al-Yahud!
Dirty nasty moral Christians should be seen and not heard...

They need to be seen to be ridiculed!

You have to prove to Islam that you love their tolerance and diversity!








Dirty nasty moral Christians should be seen and not heard...

They need to be seen to be ridiculed!

You have to prove to Islam that you love their tolerance and diversity!

Christians are only extremist assholes when they feel the have the right to shit all over others religious views by legislating their own to the general population. Now that we have identified the primary reason why the GOP is falling apart you two should lead by example by keeping your christian bullshit at home and in church where it belongs....tell you elected officials.
Christians are only extremist assholes when they feel the have the right to shit all over others religious views by legislating their own to the general population. Now that we have identified the primary reason why the GOP is falling apart you two should lead by example by keeping your christian bullshit at home and in church where it belongs....tell you elected officials.

I am an atheist Libertarian who is a reformed Democrat.

I am just sticking up for the rights of others.

While I still have the chance...
Or how about the "Progressives" who force their moral codes upon the rest of us including the Christians...

... the religion that gave us classical Liberalism (Libertarianism)?
Sticking up for what rights of who? :confused:

Christian right to legislate their religion or Muslim right to do the same?


The Church did not legislate, the people did. The people can change their minds, but the church not so much and Islam, not at all.

In the new testament, Jesus delineated the separation of church and state that led to our Republic whereas Islam through the Koran and the Haddiths demand that unification of church and state and step one is to use the threat of violence to intimidate the infidel into silence regarding Islam. So, again, why does the subject of Islam make you instantly attack Christianity?

Obama is proud to say he is a Christian and feels, like Mayor Bloomberg, very comfortable forcing his moral underpinnings upon is be means of legislation. Is that the Christianity you fear? The "Progressive" wing bringing us the new social norms that we must accept without question?
Christians are only extremist assholes when they feel the have the right to shit all over others religious views by legislating their own to the general population. Now that we have identified the primary reason why the GOP is falling apart you two should lead by example by keeping your christian bullshit at home and in church where it belongs....tell you elected officials.

there is a difference between LEGISLATION by ELECTED officials



to equate the two

it is IMPOOSIBLE to understand how seemingly NORMAL people

will deny the OVERT the OBVIOUS and deflect

BUT THE CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I recall.....a woman who was in Iraq for decades HELPING IRAQI children, who also CONVERTED to ISLAM and wore the LAUNDRY etc etc



all the while screaming

IM ONE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Church did not legislate, the people did. The people can change their minds, but the church not so much and Islam, not at all.

The church is nothing more than the people of whom it is comprised of, just like the "state". It is very easy for the church to legislate, and despite our attempted separation of the two, much of the church absolutely can not do that....Julybaby as a perfect example. People like her truly believe it's the governments job to enforce the word of god as it is written in the Bible under penalty of law.

If they didn't have an issue separating church and state they would have zero issue with gay marriage.....all they would see is the price of admission into legal matrimony being paid with legal tender by a consenting adult when the gay man/woman paid their tax with the purchase of a marriage licence. And as a free person living in a free nation that is supposedly there to protect their pursuit of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness they would go marry their gay partner. ....end of discussion. It would have never even been a discussion.

In the new testament, Jesus delineated the separation of church and state that led to our Republic

All the christian nations sans the US must have missed that verse.

whereas Islam through the Koran and the Haddiths demand that unification of church and state and step one is to use the threat of violence to intimidate the infidel into silence regarding Islam. So, again, why does the subject of Islam make you instantly attack Christianity?

It doesn't.... Christians crying victim b/c they can't cram their kool aid down everyone's throat or b/c some other make believe sky daddy is getting popular however does.

Obama is proud to say he is a Christian and feels, like Mayor Bloomberg, very comfortable forcing his moral underpinnings upon is be means of legislation. Is that the Christianity you fear? The "Progressive" wing bringing us the new social norms that we must accept without question?

You don't have to accept new social just have to let other people accept/reject them of their own will. There is a difference.
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Anyone surprised that the chief is quoting Frank "Obama is a practicing Muslim" Gaffney and Lars Hedegaard, who the NY Times famously called a "stew of anti-Muslim bile".

Me neither. :rolleyes:
Bootay Boi

How come you screech about CHRISTIANS

and not about the FUTURE

Sec of LABOR who DOESNT BELIEVE IN TEH 1st AMMENDMENT and says Sharia Law should be law of the US
Bootay Boi

How come you screech about CHRISTIANS

Because they are the only fucking assholes who knock on my door at the butt crack of dawn.

and not about the FUTURE

I can't control the future.....what I say/do is meaningless with regard to the shape of our nation/society, me and mine are the only thing I have influence over....why get my blood pressure up over bullshit I can't do anything about?

Sec of LABOR who DOESNT BELIEVE IN TEH 1st AMMENDMENT and says Sharia Law should be law of the US

And the 1st Amendment protects his right to say so....if he believes in it or not, just like I can Krylon "Fuck Religion and all religious douchefags" down my car and not a fucking thing can be done about it. .
And the 1st Amendment protects his right to say so....if he believes in it or not, just like I can Krylon "Fuck Religion and all religious douchefags" down my car and not a fucking thing can be done about it. .

I trade stocks/commodities daily....takes me 3 seconds to make a decision

Shame on me for actually THINKING about this

I should just say you are a mindless fool and leave it at that

BUT some LESS mindless may see your comment and being that their intelligence is that of a squashed toad, may think you have a point


Who said he doesn't have the right? DID I?

If I did, SHOW ME!

But that isn't the point, is it?


Its another for a gov official to say so who can actually IMPLEMENT THE POLICY:mad:
I am an atheist Libertarian who is a reformed Democrat.

I am just sticking up for the rights of others.

While I still have the chance...

Except, of course, the right for a woman to have control over her own body!

"Rules for thee, freedom for me!"

The great thing about Glibertarianism is that nobody cares about the inconsistencies, the "one from column a, one from column b" approach....
Its another for a gov official to say so who can actually IMPLEMENT THE POLICY:mad:

Please....tell me how in the mother fuck the sec of LABOR is going to wave his magical wand and implement and enforce Sharia law on america? hmm??? That's not even in the realm of remotely sane possibilities.
Except, of course, the right for a woman to have control over her own body!

"Rules for thee, freedom for me!"

The great thing about Glibertarianism is that nobody cares about the inconsistencies, the "one from column a, one from column b" approach....

I like how you ascribe all libertairanism with gumps personal GOP take on it.

Fucking ass hat :rolleyes:
There are several posters here who do not believe in free speech unless it's edited for political correctness, all are so called liberals.

Says the guy who thought the OWS protesters should have been executed.
There are several posters here who do not believe in free speech unless it's edited for political correctness, all are so called liberals.

LMAO. Tell us again how people exercising their first amendment rights should be shot, bigot.