Free Speech Threat, FYI


Apr 10, 2016
Hi Everyone, I'm a big fan of a trans-identifying male named Corinna Cohn, aka "heterodorx". Needless to say, Cohn has a pretty amazing sense of humor. He/she (it's complicated) has been quite alarmed by the actions taken by trans rights activists for a number of years, but always with a very empathic dry approach. I've never seen Cohn figuratively run around with hair-on-fire like this ever before. It regards the extra-judicial suppression of free speech occurring against a low-brow gossip server (Cohn's words) called "Kiwifarms". I assume y'all see my concern and how this extra-judicial silencing action can be translated to many of the servers that we use such as Literotica. Please consider following Cohn's advice (summary provided below):

For years and years, we in the West have tsk tsked at the tyrannical control countries like China have exercised over the Internet use of their own citizens.
We have assumed that we Westerners have enjoyed the right to free expression. If this was ever true, it is no longer. 1/
The website Kiwi Farms is an internet gossip site. The owner is an American subject to all the same laws to which any other website operator must answer.
Without any legal ruling, Internet infrastructure operators are colluding to shut down YOUR open access to this website. 2/
This is an unprecedented action on the part of infrastructure operators, and it's being executed like a cartel action.
To put this into context, this would be like if the phone companies decided to remove your phone access because you used their lines to discuss fraught topics. 3/
The premise behind this action is that Kiwi Farms was responsible for publishing information on the location of a transgender gaming streamer. This allegation was reported uncritically by NBC, CNN, and many other news sites. Former US spies weighed in on the event! 4/
As Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog reported, Kiwi Farms almost certainly had nothing to do with the harassment. Nevertheless, the website was scapegoated, and CloudFlare, an important infrastructure company, pulled their services from the Kiwi Farms servers. 5/
For the next several months, prominent transgender IT professionals worked non-stop to persuade other Internet infrastructure companies to block access to the Kiwi Farms website. Kiwi Farms is one of the last places where transgender activism can be openly criticized. 6/
Your right to engage in political commentary is being infringed upon by the companies you use for Internet access--even if the commentary is low brow, as much of Kiwi Farms admittedly is.
None of us should stand for this. This is an attempt to STOP us from engaging in speech. 7/
Kiwi Farms is briefly online on the clearnet. Please read this page for some additional background on what is happening, and steps you can take to secure your rights to free expression on the Internet in the US and Europe. <-- doesn't work, obviously
By the way, this issue is MORE IMPORTANT than any single issue happening in conflict inside of gender ideology. If this suppression of speech is allowed to be normalized, the next step is that the rest of us will be silenced, too. 9/
If you work at one of these backbone companies, it's time to speak up. If you've been polite, it's time to get blunt. If you've been quiet, it's time to get loud. This really is a turning point that we cannot recover from without dramatic means. 10/
Kiwifarm refuses to moderate its content. It allows users to make threats, publish personal information, and organize domestic terrorism. If ISP’s don’t want that crap on their bandwidth, it’s only Kiwifarm’s fault.
Never underestimate a White Man in a dress!

First the trannies got rid of the Feminists.

Then they got rid of the Comics.

Now they’re cumming for you!
Press release from Cloudflare:

We have blocked Kiwifarms. Visitors to any of the Kiwifarms sites that use any of Cloudflare's services will see a Cloudflare block page and a link to this post. Kiwifarms may move their sites to other providers and, in doing so, come back online, but we have taken steps to block their content from being accessed through our infrastructure.
This is an extraordinary decision for us to make and, given Cloudflare's role as an Internet infrastructure provider, a dangerous one that we are not comfortable with. However, the rhetoric on the Kiwifarms site and specific, targeted threats have escalated over the last 48 hours to the point that we believe there is an unprecedented emergency and immediate threat to human life unlike we have previously seen from Kiwifarms or any other customer before.

Escalating threats​

Kiwifarms has frequently been host to revolting content. Revolting content alone does not create an emergency situation that necessitates the action we are taking today. Beginning approximately two weeks ago, a pressure campaign started with the goal to deplatform Kiwifarms. That pressure campaign targeted Cloudflare as well as other providers utilized by the site.
Cloudflare provided security services to Kiwifarms, protecting them from DDoS and other cyberattacks. We have never been their hosting provider. As we outlined last Wednesday, we do not believe that terminating security services is appropriate, even to revolting content. In a law-respecting world, the answer to even illegal content is not to use other illegal means like DDoS attacks to silence it.
We are also not taking this action directly because of the pressure campaign. While we have empathy for its organizers, we are committed as a security provider to protecting our customers even when they run deeply afoul of popular opinion or even our own morals. The policy we articulated last Wednesday remains our policy. We continue to believe that the best way to relegate cyberattacks to the dustbin of history is to give everyone the tools to prevent them.
However, as the pressure campaign escalated, so did the rhetoric on the Kiwifarms site. Feeling attacked, users of Kiwifarms became even more aggressive. Over the last two weeks, we have proactively reached out to law enforcement in multiple jurisdictions highlighting what we believe are potential criminal acts and imminent threats to human life that were posted to the site.

Legal process​

While law enforcement in these areas are working to investigate what we and others reported, unfortunately the process is moving more slowly than the escalating risk. While we believe that in every other situation we have faced — including the Daily Stormer and 8chan — it would have been appropriate as an infrastructure provider for us to wait for legal process, in this case the imminent and emergency threat to human life which continues to escalate causes us to take this action.
Hard cases make bad law. This is a hard case and we would caution anyone from seeing it as setting precedent. The policies we articulated last Wednesday remain our policies. For an infrastructure provider like Cloudflare, legal process is still the correct way to deal with revolting and potentially illegal content online.
But we need a mechanism when there is an emergency threat to human life for infrastructure providers to work expediently with legal authorities in order to ensure the decisions we make are grounded in due process. Unfortunately, that mechanism does not exist and so we are making this uncomfortable emergency decision alone.

Not the end​

Finally, we are aware and concerned that our action may only fan the flames of this emergency. Kiwifarms itself will most likely find other infrastructure that allows them to come back online, as the Daily Stormer and 8chan did themselves after we terminated them. And, even if they don't, the individuals that used the site to increasingly terrorize will feel even more isolated and attacked and may lash out further. There is real risk that by taking this action today we may have further heightened the emergency.
We will continue to work proactively with law enforcement to help with their investigations into the site and the individuals who have posted what may be illegal content to it. And we recognize that while our blocking Kiwifarms temporarily addresses the situation, it by no means solves the underlying problem. That solution will require much more work across society. We are hopeful that our action today will help provoke conversations toward addressing the larger problem. And we stand ready to participate in that conversation."
If I were management of Lit, I would expel the OP for promotion of a site that seems prone to promoting violence.
Im not familiar with Kiwifarms and how they are a threat to human life. Seriously, if there was such a threat that they had to take action immediately?
Sounds like good ole silencing dissent to me.
Silencing dissenting voices simply because you want them too, doesn’t make it right. So many that talk about holding up Democracy, and they’re a threat to our Democracy, or we need to spread Democracy type of supporters, are literally cheering on fascism, and when you want to censor others 1st amendment rights are the exact thing that you accuse others of being.
Censorship is great for all the lil fascists until that censorship comes for you.
A very dangerous slope everyone seems to be supporting.
Im not familiar with Kiwifarms and how they are a threat to human life. Seriously, if there was such a threat that they had to take action immediately?
Sounds like good ole silencing dissent to me.
Silencing dissenting voices simply because you want them too, doesn’t make it right. So many that talk about holding up Democracy, and they’re a threat to our Democracy, or we need to spread Democracy type of supporters, are literally cheering on fascism, and when you want to censor others 1st amendment rights are the exact thing that you accuse others of being.
Censorship is great for all the lil fascists until that censorship comes for you.
A very dangerous slope everyone seems to be supporting.
The FBI/DOJ are too preoccupied suppressing the likes of Twitter, NY post and concerned parents at school board meetings to get involved with gender fluid sites even if they a have a violent tendency.