Go Flames Go!!!


*insert random title here
Feb 23, 2002
Once again my pro-line fate rests in the hands of the Calgary Flames. I've already picked the Avalanche winners over Toronto.. and picked Dallas to beat St. Loius...

And right now after two periods.. the Flames lead Detroit 3-1!!

C'mon Calgary! You say it's about hockey?? I say It's about 40 bucks!!
Isn't it silly to root for a team that plays on an ice rink and calls themselves Flames? I mean honestly. It really defeats the purpose to melt the ice.
At least they aren't called the "Mighty Ducks"

Actually they got the name "Flames" back when they were calling Atlanta home in the 70's... Of course a team named Flames in Atlanta makes more sence than it does in Calgary..
Flames win .. I don't have to be angry at a particular team tonight.. And I have a little more beer money for tomorrow!! Life is good! :)
That's what you get for cheeing on guys like Brett Hull and Chris Chelios.

But while I am talking about that game I gotta say.. What the hell is with CBC's obsession with Steve Yzerman?? I swear to god he was one of the most talked about Red Wings during the game tonight and he wasn't even playing!!
"O Captain, My Captain"

He is their fearless leader... has nearly reached "God" status here in Michigan... he he he

If you think they talk about him a lot now... wait until next month (maybe) when he is back on the ice... LOL
Actually Weevs.. Today the Thrashers are my favorite team.

The Flames aren't scheduled to be my favorite team until Feb 4th..