Global overpopulation


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Why did liberals stop talking about this issue? In the 70s, they couldn't stop blabbering about it.

What changed? :confused:
I've heard its possible that humans will someday outweight the planet itself if they keep breeding at the present rate. :eek:
And nobody cares anymore. The issue has fallen off the radar of mainstream discussion. :mad:
don't worry, look at human population like a bacteria in a petri dish. it can only grow so far before it collapses.
One should perhaps view the 'hockey stick' ruse of the global warning freaks and compare it to the wikipedia graph of human population.

There us no man made warming of the earth; none.

The earth is not overpopulated. Oxymoron, logical contradiction; nature always solves the issue when any particular area cannot support the life living there.

For those who wish to pursue the reason the Left is frantic about hating man, the rational animal; gain an understanding of Marxist Dialectic and the anti-industrial fools who have been progapandizing since the days of Dickens.

Most of these idiot, blackbabysitter included, probably don't even know they are captured by the rhetoric of the pastoralists, they really believe the crap they spout, when only a little research would show how they are just blowing air.

Do the world a favor, run over a Liberal today.... then back up and do it again.


Futher, more children survived and people lived longer and healthier following the industrial revolution; the benefits of reason, rationality and logic, and of course, the liberty of free men to accomplish their dreams.

Democrats should all eat poo and die!
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amicus doesnt bother with science because it inolves thinking and study and edu-ma-cation...all liberal plots
Notice how this person above sticks it's head in the sand when logical correlations are made? Freedom, science, medicine, all enabled by free societies began after th Rennaissance and the Industrial revolution.

Go kiss a smokestack, and be thankful or I will take your toilet paper away, you know, that stuff made in factories that you wipe your nose with, you ignorant asshole. Yes, I said nose, no mistake shitface.

heh, I be on a roll!

Great, Amicus used to at least be fun to read as he'd attempt to confuse you by using the thesaurus for each post but now he's just another worthless fucking Vetteman.
And you don't bother with science because it requires having a brain.

I showed you a link which shows the assertion you made in your first post was false

if you had a brain you would have read you fail basic logic let alone basic science
Notice how this person above sticks it's head in the sand when logical correlations are made? Freedom, science, medicine, all enabled by free societies began after th Rennaissance and the Industrial revolution.

Go kiss a smokestack, and be thankful or I will take your toilet paper away, you know, that stuff made in factories that you wipe your nose with, you ignorant asshole. Yes, I said nose, no mistake shitface.

heh, I be on a roll!


I posted something which discredits your opinion with actual facts...and you tell me I'm sticking my head in the sand

fuck, you're a dumbass
I have not used a thesaurus in years, don't, seldom need tol even check spelling, butttwipe.

Gutter language suits you.....hey, all youse guys, ask this idiot how he plans to reduce the population?

The best way to naturally limit population growth, is to give the people a free market system with laws to protect private property. You know, a bold experiment in human freedom such as took place in 1789.

C'mon, smartass, let's have some factual, practical methodology to reduce populationj growth.....Russian method, Chinese, or the best of all, the gas chambers, which of those do you prefer to bring your fucking hippy dreams to fruition?

Sorry, folks, these people will never admit it, but they advocate the use of power, police force, guns and mandatory abortions to reduce growth. They are cowardly vermin and should be viewed as such...and never, ever, turn your back on one.

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Ok, here's a hint: 99% of the population growth is in the third world or among first generation immigrants in the first world. In the 60s and early 70s that wasn't necessarily the case. Hence the change in position.

Liberals care more about destroying whitey than about protecting the planet from environmental destruction.
Ok, here's a hint: 99% of the population growth is in the third world or among first generation immigrants in the first world. In the 60s and early 70s that wasn't necessarily the case. Hence the change in position.

Liberals care more about destroying whitey than about protecting the planet from environmental destruction.

people are having sex and having babies's a liberal plot to destroy the world
Queers are having sex but not having babies cuz they can't.

Blackbabyshitter, one you grow up a little, forum wise, you will learn that pasting, 'facts' as you call them is merely countered by pasting other, 'facts', not the global warming scam, facts olnbothsides and all they do is argue...but then, that is your gig.

What you might do, if capable, is to actually think, and present a rational point of view on your subject.

Too tough for your liberal arts educatgion?

Queers are having sex but not having babies cuz they can't.

Blackbabyshitter, one you grow up a little, forum wise, you will learn that pasting, 'facts' as you call them is merely countered by pasting other, 'facts', not the global warming scam, facts olnbothsides and all they do is argue...but then, that is your gig.

What you might do, if capable, is to actually think, and present a rational point of view on your subject.

Too tough for your liberal arts educatgion?


name calling won't change that none of your pondering diatribes have anything to do with the subject matter

you are trying to present an opinion as fact and have absolutely nothing to back it up

please dont lecture me on rationality when you have brought exactly nothing to the table that even remotely resembles rational thought

if you're going to bitch about me posting facts... an opinion isnt going to change them...facts dont's kinda why they are called facts

when you show something to back up any of your claims then and only then will you be able to be more then a tired old small town radio hack

too tough for your elementary school credits?
Yes, and eventually the poor and uneducated will outnumber their social counterparts 100 to 1.
The global over population problem was solved during the early 80's when most of the human population was wiped out during global cooling.
I have not used a thesaurus in years, don't, seldom need tol even check spelling, butttwipe.

Gutter language suits you.....hey, all youse guys, ask this idiot how he plans to reduce the population?

The best way to naturally limit population growth, is to give the people a free market system with laws to protect private property. You know, a bold experiment in human freedom such as took place in 1789.

C'mon, smartass, let's have some factual, practical methodology to reduce populationj growth.....Russian method, Chinese, or the best of all, the gas chambers, which of those do you prefer to bring your fucking hippy dreams to fruition?

Sorry, folks, these people will never admit it, but they advocate the use of power, police force, guns and mandatory abortions to reduce growth. They are cowardly vermin and should be viewed as such...and never, ever, turn your back on one.


You're so cute when you think you're people.

I'm not actually interested in reducing population growth, never was. The idea that capitalism is an effective population cap is laughable, you're claim that 1789 marked the beginning of this brave experiment isn't even revisionist history, it's an outright fabrication.

Personally I don't even believe your the real Amicus. I think someone hacked your account.
Ronald Regan happened

The white house was purchased by the large "we must have a surplus populatiom to buy our stuff" corporations for a puppet president by the name of Regan. He did more damage to our country than will ever be known.

Zero Populatiom still exists and there are other groups still fighting the good fight.