GLBT Daily Vibe

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Even my high school class ring was white gold... matching, eh?! I'm a little butch there... lucky if my socks are the same color. :rolleyes:

Doesn't sound like strange tastes to me... oh wait a minute... by your mom's standards... that makes me strange, doesn't it! lol
What I meant by matching was at least to make sure the gems matched the shirt at least. *giggle* My casual wear for work here now that I work from home is appalling..doesn't match..skimpy due to heat. I'd freak out anyone for sure. The only time I'm "femme" is when I dress up.
i can relate to that... not much femme in me... 'cept 'tween the sheets. :devil: My daughter is getting married in September and i'll be in a tux.
*giggles* That's where we differ. Something like that..I'd LOVE to dress up for. Only thing is..I HATE SHOPPING!!!!
I'll 2nd that.........

Night_Jasmine said:
*giggles* That's where we differ. Something like that..I'd LOVE to dress up for. Only thing is..I HATE SHOPPING!!!!

I HATE SHOPPING, clothes, food.
Although, I do have a thing for shoes. If I had the money I'd have lots of shoes, comfy sandals or sneakers.
I should rephrase, I do enjoy shopping for my son, I can't resist the cute baby clothes :nana:
MsWet said:
I HATE SHOPPING, clothes, food.
Although, I do have a thing for shoes. If I had the money I'd have lots of shoes, comfy sandals or sneakers.
I should rephrase, I do enjoy shopping for my son, I can't resist the cute baby clothes :nana:

Christmas - I'm so bad. I can't turn away from all the adorable little children's clothes. It's so much fun to spoil them.

Shopping for me - books, dvds, and music. That's where I'd drop all my money.
It's fun to buy for others

Oh, I know, Christmas is so tempting to blow a lot of money. You should have seen what I spent on Evan for his 1st Christmas :rolleyes:
MsWet said:
Thanks for the welcome Gianna. You have one of those very pretty Italian names, lucky you! :)

Hi to everyone else, I hope to get to know everyone in GLBT, you're a friendly group :)

laughing....oh my real name is so German and unfeminine. Make a good one for a warrior which I am not, look at me funny and I will burst into tears (really...nodding my head) I was named after my grandfather who was born in a German community in the midwest. So now part of my real name is John(Johannes on my grandpappies birth certificate all embroidered on the edge with fat angels and scrolly things written in the tongue of the "fatherland")...I have been calling myself Johnnie in real life. I like Gianna better though. Am I talking a lot? *grin*

They are a wonderful group of warm people. :heart:
Night_Jasmine said:
I torture my brother and his wife by getting the fun types of toys for the kids. AKA - LOUD!!!!
Brothers are good to torment aren't they? :devil:
Night_Jasmine said:
*grins* You know it, Gia. I have to get even for the torture he put me through during childhood.
My little brother is an MD....and a pompous ass....I love to get him.....there was a change in his last visit...usually he would try to debate me and I would shoot him down...this time he would was so frustrating. And everytime he would disagree he would say....well... and then not follow up...i got pissy and said.." I cannot talk to you" and walked away....rrrrr...
Mine is two years younger. Got married first, had he thinks he can live my life for me and knows more than I do.
Night_Jasmine said:
Mine is two years younger. Got married first, had he thinks he can live my life for me and knows more than I do.
Ingrate he should know better.
Night_Jasmine said:
I torture my brother and his wife by getting the fun types of toys for the kids. AKA - LOUD!!!!

tsk tsk, you are soooo bad! :devil:
I see, well, I hear you....

Gi_Venus said:
laughing....oh my real name is so German and unfeminine. Make a good one for a warrior which I am not, look at me funny and I will burst into tears (really...nodding my head) I was named after my grandfather who was born in a German community in the midwest. So now part of my real name is John(Johannes on my grandpappies birth certificate all embroidered on the edge with fat angels and scrolly things written in the tongue of the "fatherland")...I have been calling myself Johnnie in real life. I like Gianna better though. Am I talking a lot? *grin*

They are a wonderful group of warm people. :heart:

talk away, that's what we're here for! Johannes is nice, I didn't know it was German. I agree, Gianna is better though :)
Gianna works, almost like a variation on Giovanni (Italian for John).
But knowing Gia, she knew that already!

OK-going to bed, night all. :kiss:
playwithlezli said:
Gianna works, almost like a variation on Giovanni (Italian for John).
But knowing Gia, she knew that already!

OK-going to bed, night all. :kiss:

*hugs*:heart::heart: Lezli........Laughing, you give me much credit. But no I did not know is all a coincidence. My first session with my present transgender therapist he asked me what I wanted to be called. This caught me by surprise....*LOL* I had not even thought of a name.....I blurted out "Gi"(I knew a wonderful woman named Gigi whom I adored) I realized I needed to have a full name, a friend suggested Gianna which I loved...there is something about the softness of the G.
Looking up Gianna I was amused... It means "Grace to God" or something like that. I went through an anti religious period in my youth where I had gotten fed up with the hypocrisy I observed. So God and Me parted ways. Now I am at a place where I realize that it is people with whom I have a problem. I love people but they piss me off...Now God has become something that I believe is personal to each of us. Our experience will be different, but God is for me something indescribable and wonderful, a current running through the universe which we can tap into when in the proper mental state....the current is within each and everyone of us, magical it waits for our recognition, we see it in the beauty of each other in which we sometimes label as "love". It is that joyful bliss that is accessible to us when we let go of the hurt of life experience. *grin* As you can see my view on God has gone from total rejection to an acceptance broader and more emcompassing. We can put our label on it with our favorite religion....but it is there strange and wonderful. I experienced it recently.....I was thinking...."I get such joy from mambo dancing, the passion that my old dance instructor gave me is wonderful.....I wish I could tell her and give her a hug" Later that day as I was leaving the post office.....there she was, I had not seen her in over two years.....I gave her that hug and appreciation. Perhaps that little bit of God was for her.......she is thinking of getting back into to dancing....back into teaching salsa and you think God put me there to nudge her? LOL....strange and wonderful. Too often we allow our hurt and suffering to interfer with what should be a joyful experience....we get caught up in expectation and want....God will provide(you may have to send the drink back to the bartender......giggle) we must let go to be our true nature which is God.

Okay I am off of the must be those robes...appeals to my feminine nature.
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Gi_Venus said:
*hugs*:heart::heart: Lezli........Laughing, you give me much credit. But no I did not know is all a coincidence. My first session with my present transgender therapist he asked me what I wanted to be called. This caught me by surprise....*LOL* I had not even thought of a name.....I blurted out "Gi"(I knew a wonderful woman named Gigi whom I adored) I realized I needed to have a full name, a friend suggested Gianna which I loved...there is something about the softness of the G.
Looking up Gianna I was amused... It means "Grace to God" or something like that. I went through an anti religious period in my youth where I had gotten fed up with the hypocrisy I observed. So God and Me parted ways. Now I am at a place where I realize that it is people with whom I have a problem. I love people but they piss me off...Now God has become something that I believe is personal to each of us. Our experience will be different, but God is for me something indescribable and wonderful, a current running through the universe which we can tap into when in the proper mental state....the current is within each and everyone of us, magical it waits for our recognition, we see it in the beauty of each other in which we sometimes label as "love". It is that joyful bliss that is accessible to us when we let go of the hurt of life experience. *grin* As you can see my view on God has gone from total rejection to an acceptance broader and more emcompassing. We can put our label on it with our favorite religion....but it is there strange and wonderful. I experienced it recently.....I was thinking...."I get such joy from mambo dancing, the passion that my old dance instructor gave me is wonderful.....I wish I could tell her and give her a hug" Later that day as I was leaving the post office.....there she was, I had not seen her in over two years.....I gave her that hug and appreciation. Perhaps that little bit of God was for her.......she is thinking of getting back into to dancing....back into teaching salsa and you think God put me there to nudge her? LOL....strange and wonderful. Too often we allow our hurt and suffering to interfer with what should be a joyful experience....we get caught up in expectation and want....God will provide(you may have to send the drink back to the bartender......giggle) we must let go to be our true nature which is God.

Okay I am off of the must be those robes...appeals to my feminine nature.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story! :heart:

Hi, everyone! I am back after a little over a week in new orleans

MOOD: trying to make myself ready for work
WEARING: boxers and tank
LISTENING TO: C-Span washington Journal - as usual in the morning....

With wishes to everyone for a great day!

:D Neon
A late good morning all- I haven't been updating as faithfully as I usually do since I've been driving B to work (the front wheel bearings on his car are starting to go). However, today I have to opportunity to go into work late, so I thought aside from getting stuff done around the house, I'll fill you in on what's up.

B returned from his trek in good health, aside from some cramping in his right leg and being covered in mosquito bites. You can read in more detail about his trip: B's Blog From the sounds of it, they were fed like royalty!

As for myself... well, Saturday was pretty lonely without him (almost cried), and the trip Sunday to go pick him up was sheer chaos. I won't bore you with the negative details, let's just say next year I am SO finding an easier way.

Baby's starting to get bigger... as am I, and the nausea and mood swings haven't quite subsided yet. Was feeling really low by the end of work yesterday, and by the time I got home I just wanted to curl up in bed in and cry- which I did. B came up when he realized I wasn't coming back down and just curled up on the bed beside me, spooning. We both fell asleep until 8PM.

Well that's about all for now. Back to eating my watermelon and sweeping the kitchen! :rolleyes:

:heart: :kiss:
Have a nice day and running...pant.....pant....Oh please let me make it through today!*anxiety face here, palpitations, sweat*
neonflux said:
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story! :heart:

Hi, everyone! I am back after a little over a week in new orleans

MOOD: trying to make myself ready for work
WEARING: boxers and tank
LISTENING TO: C-Span washington Journal - as usual in the morning....

With wishes to everyone for a great day!

:D Neon

thank you Neon:heart: Welcome back. :)
Night_Jasmine said:
I guess it has been. I've been offline most of the weekend, simply to rest and recuperate. How're you doing, Min? And good luck this week!!!!
I'm doing just fine thanks for asking, how are you doing? Thanks for the good luck... keep it in mind on Friday, that's when I'll need it the most!

That and coffee lol :rose:
Terra_Cide said:
A late good morning all- I haven't been updating as faithfully as I usually do since I've been driving B to work (the front wheel bearings on his car are starting to go). However, today I have to opportunity to go into work late, so I thought aside from getting stuff done around the house, I'll fill you in on what's up.

B returned from his trek in good health, aside from some cramping in his right leg and being covered in mosquito bites. You can read in more detail about his trip: B's Blog From the sounds of it, they were fed like royalty!

As for myself... well, Saturday was pretty lonely without him (almost cried), and the trip Sunday to go pick him up was sheer chaos. I won't bore you with the negative details, let's just say next year I am SO finding an easier way.

Baby's starting to get bigger... as am I, and the nausea and mood swings haven't quite subsided yet. Was feeling really low by the end of work yesterday, and by the time I got home I just wanted to curl up in bed in and cry- which I did. B came up when he realized I wasn't coming back down and just curled up on the bed beside me, spooning. We both fell asleep until 8PM.

Well that's about all for now. Back to eating my watermelon and sweeping the kitchen! :rolleyes:

:heart: :kiss:
Hugs and Kisses Terra, glad B is back. sigh....that watermelon sounds good.
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