GLBT Daily Vibe

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Night_Jasmine said:
If I drank coffee, I'd be on my third bucket by now. Have fatigue issues in a major way today. I went to bed early last night and feel like I haven't slept at all. :(

God I know what you mean, I just can't seem to get my energy back. I am certain for me a lot of it is stress-and a lifetime of burning the candle at both ends, I think my wick may have finally melted in the middle!

I can't find the link to Annie's rings-where should I be looking?
playwithlezli said:
God I know what you mean, I just can't seem to get my energy back. I am certain for me a lot of it is stress-and a lifetime of burning the candle at both ends, I think my wick may have finally melted in the middle!

I can't find the link to Annie's rings-where should I be looking?

The doctor THINKS mine is related to chronic fatigue syndrome. Right know that feeling where you're so tired, you're headachey and slightly nauseous?
Nice! Well done Annie!

And good morning to everyone else...hope your days are going well, I am just trying to motivate myself to get moving again after a lovely day off-I might get the hang of this relaxing thing yet...

later taters (hahhha-haven't said that for a while....right Annie :p )
Night_Jasmine said:
The doctor THINKS mine is related to chronic fatigue syndrome. Right know that feeling where you're so tired, you're headachey and slightly nauseous?

I life, especially my adult life has been spent living on turbo-charge, it's part of what I am known for, a part of my personality so to speak. So while it is difficult to keep pushing myself physically and mentally, it is more difficult to emotionally accept that I just can't do it anymore. Then when I do take time off, I get restless, especially if there are other people around, because the quiet time thing I do love to do, is to read, and if people are around they seemed to be compelled to engage in random and trivial conversation just as I get into the groove of a story.

That being said, I did read an entire book yesterday. It felt great. :)
playwithlezli said:
I life, especially my adult life has been spent living on turbo-charge, it's part of what I am known for, a part of my personality so to speak. So while it is difficult to keep pushing myself physically and mentally, it is more difficult to emotionally accept that I just can't do it anymore. Then when I do take time off, I get restless, especially if there are other people around, because the quiet time thing I do love to do, is to read, and if people are around they seemed to be compelled to engage in random and trivial conversation just as I get into the groove of a story.

That being said, I did read an entire book yesterday. It felt great. :)

That feeling is what I have to deal with more often than not these days. Can't concentrate, hard to focus. *sighs before giggling* We'd get along, Lezli. I'd probably have been curled up in a chair next to you with a good book. I love putting some music on and just immerse myself in the world that the pages contain.

Night_Jasmine said:
If I drank coffee, I'd be on my third bucket by now. Have fatigue issues in a major way today. I went to bed early last night and feel like I haven't slept at all. :(

Get out of my head Jas, (jk), I also feel like I haven't slept at all after a pretty good nights sleep! I think I've had chronic fatigue syndrome for about 3 years now :rolleyes: When I do sleep, I can't drag myself out of bed in the morning.....
Wolfman1982 said:
playwithlezli and Anniejustagirl: thanks :) I haven´t celebrated yet, since I wrote it when it was night in Denmark :) so it is still the 19. of June in Denmark :)
Well, Good! Then you have more time to party in your own special way. :kiss:
mark197205 said:
Glad to hear it, have to stay safe out there, your loved too much. :rose:

Dont you believe it Annie, you'd be suprised what I can handle?

Looks beautiful!
Awww, thanks, Muffin. :kiss:
Night_Jasmine said:
OMG ANNIE!!! They're beautiful!!! Made me cry....
:heart: You are sweet, Jas...thank you. Are you feeling any better yet?
playwithlezli said:
Nice! Well done Annie!

And good morning to everyone else...hope your days are going well, I am just trying to motivate myself to get moving again after a lovely day off-I might get the hang of this relaxing thing yet...

later taters (hahhha-haven't said that for a while....right Annie :p )
Thanks, taterhead :kiss:

a day off... i spend some of my sleeptime dreaming of having time off... 1 1/2 days a week is Simply not enough. This past Sunday was a bummer too. P woke up with the grumpies, big time. *sigh* It's not that i deny her and i did give her the space she needed and maybe then some, but i missed her. She stayed lounging in bed and i worked on the basement. I'm bound and determined to get that place in shape. I worked down there last night til i was light headed. THAT was a weird feeling

Must remember to keep good thoughts for Min on Friday!!

Leaving dark chocolate :kiss:es for Gi
MsWet said:
Get out of my head Jas, (jk), I also feel like I haven't slept at all after a pretty good nights sleep! I think I've had chronic fatigue syndrome for about 3 years now :rolleyes: When I do sleep, I can't drag myself out of bed in the morning.....

It's the worst feeling in the world, isn't it! Welcome to the vibe! I'm glad you ventured over here. comes and goes. My concentration went to hell in a handbasket today so some of my coworkers took my shifts so I could rest. It's nice to have nice people to work with, even if they're someone I don't see face to face. You've gotta be all excited about this. It's funny, if I ever found someone to spend my life with, I'd want something similiar to those rings. I found a set but done in heiroglyphics. Gorgeous...expensive but perfect to me. *laughs*

*scolds gently* Don't work yourself too hard now, Annie.
Anniejustagirl said:
Leaving dark chocolate :kiss:es for Gi
just leave a trail of them and I will follow you anywhere :p Nice rings Annie. :rose:

Well my old therapist called me today, she wanted permission to talk to my sister and possibly help her about me. This woman rescued me many years ago when I was totally devestated. It was so wonderful to hear her voice, I only wish she was a transgendered specialist but she understands....she remembered our sessions, back then I had my unresolved gender issues....but was not ready.. I was astounded that in our brief conversation she brought up a few of the points from our sessions 20 years ago that really did flag my gender dysphoria even back then.....grin....I betcha she got a "Aha! I knew it!" When my sister called her about me. I gave her permission to talk to my sister because I really do trust her. I mean...she would have turned my sister away had I said no realizing a possible conflict of interest. My father paid for my original therapy....and when I did not sign a release for him to see the info....he cut off the money even though I was suicidal at the therapist continued to see me on credit, and she charged me only half the going rate. God I love that woman. So I am alive today because of her and any quality of life that I have, I attribute to her. All my therapy pointed out that I was the most sane in my family.....grin...because I was the one seeing the shrink my family thought I was the crazy one. Giggle...go figure.

eep I will catch up later need to run back to work...Love you all! :heart: :heart:
MsWet said:
Get out of my head Jas, (jk), I also feel like I haven't slept at all after a pretty good nights sleep! I think I've had chronic fatigue syndrome for about 3 years now :rolleyes: When I do sleep, I can't drag myself out of bed in the morning.....
Welcome MsWet :) :rose:
I like it here, you all seem to get along so well......

Gi_Venus said:
Welcome MsWet :) :rose:

Thanks for the welcome Gianna. You have one of those very pretty Italian names, lucky you! :)

Hi to everyone else, I hope to get to know everyone in GLBT, you're a friendly group :)
Gi_Venus said:
just leave a trail of them and I will follow you anywhere :p Nice rings Annie. :rose:

Well my old therapist called me today, she wanted permission to talk to my sister and possibly help her about me. This woman rescued me many years ago when I was totally devestated. It was so wonderful to hear her voice, I only wish she was a transgendered specialist but she understands....she remembered our sessions, back then I had my unresolved gender issues....but was not ready.. I was astounded that in our brief conversation she brought up a few of the points from our sessions 20 years ago that really did flag my gender dysphoria even back then.....grin....I betcha she got a "Aha! I knew it!" When my sister called her about me. I gave her permission to talk to my sister because I really do trust her. I mean...she would have turned my sister away had I said no realizing a possible conflict of interest. My father paid for my original therapy....and when I did not sign a release for him to see the info....he cut off the money even though I was suicidal at the therapist continued to see me on credit, and she charged me only half the going rate. God I love that woman. So I am alive today because of her and any quality of life that I have, I attribute to her. All my therapy pointed out that I was the most sane in my family.....grin...because I was the one seeing the shrink my family thought I was the crazy one. Giggle...go figure.

eep I will catch up later need to run back to work...Love you all! :heart: :heart:

Onee-sama, that pleases me to hear. I'm glad she stepped up and asked if she could talk to your sister about that. Hopefully, she can hammer in some sense. Have a good afternoon and see you when you get back! *hugs*
Night_Jasmine said: comes and goes. My concentration went to hell in a handbasket today so some of my coworkers took my shifts so I could rest. It's nice to have nice people to work with, even if they're someone I don't see face to face. You've gotta be all excited about this. It's funny, if I ever found someone to spend my life with, I'd want something similiar to those rings. I found a set but done in heiroglyphics. Gorgeous...expensive but perfect to me. *laughs*

*scolds gently* Don't work yourself too hard now, Annie.
Yes, so very grand to have good people around you. Glad they stepped up for you!

The expense is no matter... the look... the feel is what i needed and wanted. Now i just hope she is as happy with them. Changed dinner setting at restaraunt to intimate picnic near the water. Having a tough time waiting for 'the day', but i will as it ties nicely to celebrating with friends and family.

I think it was just from being tired... i just want this done. I'm Such a freaking packrat slob! :rolleyes:
Gi_Venus said:
just leave a trail of them and I will follow you anywhere :p Nice rings Annie. :rose:

So I am alive today because of her and any quality of life that I have, I attribute to her.

Thanks, Sweets... *leaving trail*

So glad that you found each other when you had the need. Hope she makes some progress with your sister!!!!
MsWet said:
Hi to everyone else, I hope to get to know everyone in GLBT, you're a friendly group :)
The numbers are limited... the friendship and support are not. Nice to have you here! :rose:
I've adored Egyptian things since I was a little child. My tastes have gotten stranger (as my mother puts it) ever since. I wear Celtic, Egyptian, Indian...whatever strikes my fancy and matches the clothes when I go out.
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