Give me ideas......


God Mod
Jul 21, 2011
Halloween is the one time a year I still think I am 21 and party like a frat boy. For some reason it is my favorite holiday. Maybe it has something to do with all the girls heading downtown dressed in next to nothing......

But this year I just can not think of what I want to dress up as....
My costumes are never store bought. I either go funny or obscure and preferably both. Obscure is fun because people either ask who you are or they know who you are and automatically score points.

Last years was a simple costume of cargo shorts, Vintage Hawaiian shirt, bad fedora, 70's sun glasses with yellow tint, and a cigarette in a holder.

I am thinking Watts from Sherlock Holmes as all I will need is a cane. But that is not funny....

Any one have any ideas?
I am more of a whore than a slut......

Some type of parody of "Mr. Grey" would work.....but I would have to read the books and that is not happening....
Dress up as Ecce Homo... after the "restoration" :D
Slutty Langston Hughs.

Slutty Charles Bukowski, but it's Halloween, so change it to Bookowski.

I am more of a whore than a slut......

Some type of parody of "Mr. Grey" would work.....but I would have to read the books and that is not happening....

Not worth it.

Just glue a bunch of puzzle pieces to your shirt and call yourself Wikipedia. It'll give you an excuse to quote random facts all night.



Dress yourself in brown wrapping paper, make an oversized white tag that says:

To: Women

From: God